Murders among the Yellow Vests or “The Yellow Blood Affair”, the new thriller by Rémy Lasource

Murders among the Yellow Vests or “The Yellow Blood Affair”, the new thriller by Rémy Lasource
Murders among the Yellow Vests or “The Yellow Blood Affair”, the new thriller by Rémy Lasource

Released in May, in the Moissons Noirs collection from Geste editions, The Blood Yellow Affair is set in the social movement of the Yellow Vests, and as its heroine, a new character by Rémy Lasource, the tempestuous Betty Blues.

She is young, she is black, she is a single mother, she comes from the projects and she is a cop. A complex and inevitably explosive mixture. She’s Betty. The new heroine of Rémy Lasource

a police commander in the city, always ready to pull out a new novel drawn from the inexhaustible source of his constantly boiling brain.

Thriller and coming-of-age novel…

Betty is a police trainee. And clearly, she lacks maturity. It is direct, complete, without nuances. But she is lucky to have Captain Hugues Barbicaut as her reference officer. An old timer, an old-fashioned cop who’s got it in his head and under his belt. One of Rémy Lasource’s recurring heroes. His paper alter ego.

From the crackle of neon lights to the lights of the projectors: in Limoges, Rémy Lasource, cop and poet… Or perhaps the opposite

The action takes place in the northern suburbs of Paris, as the Yellow Vest social movement begins.

Already on edge in the face of this popular anger on a rare scale, Betty and Hugues will be confronted with a series of murders, which seem to target certain figures of the Yellow Vests. Crimes that the author signs with poems by René Char.

The two police officers will have to infiltrate the movement, study its different movements, to understand its cohesion and dissensions and follow the trail back to the assassin.

…And guide to legal procedure The Blood Yellow Affair

is both a good thriller, delivered at a cracking pace, and an initiatory novel for this young heroine who discovers, like the uninitiated reader, all the workings of a judicial investigation, from the inside.


Beyond the atypical plot that mixes this Yellow Vest movement that has so marked France with these fictional murders, this realistic aspect of the judicial procedure brings real strength to the novel. And in view of Rémy Lasource’s professional experience, apprentice police officers can take advantage of it to use it as a guide!

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The 283 pages are almost too quick to read. But rest assured, it is rumored that Rémy Lasource is already working on a sequel to the adventures of Betty Blues.

Rémy Lasource is a pseudonym.The book…

The Blood Yellow Affair, Betty Blues

by Rémy Lasource, published by Geste, Moissons Noires collection, €7.90.

Coralie ZarbPhoto ©Thomas Jouhannaud



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