Death of Émile: these new expert opinions which could explain the mysterious death of the child

Death of Émile: these new expert opinions which could explain the mysterious death of the child
Death of Émile: these new expert opinions which could explain the mysterious death of the child

Since July 8, the village of Haut-Vernet has not been the same. Almost a year ago, little Émile disappeared, and while the discovery of his bones and clothes left no room for doubt as to the boy’s fate, questions remain. On Friday, June 28, as the mayor of Le Vernet finally signed the child’s death certificate, three months after the gruesome discovery of the hiker last March, BFM DICI learned that new analyses were going to be carried out on Émile’s remains, to complete the work provided by the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie (IRCGN). Indeed, a private laboratory in Bordeaux was called in to carry out DNA analyses on the boy’s bones and clothes.

The forensic hematology laboratory headed by Professor Christian Doutremepuich will be responsible for conducting these examinations. Nicknamed the “Pope of DNA” after lifting the veil on several cases, Professor Doutremepuich could well explain the death of little Émile, or bring a second wind to a long investigation. “In 2020, he revealed a murder committed in the 1980s using DNA found on a public bench. He uses methods that are not used by the gendarmes or the police”a judicial source who has already worked with the person concerned confided to our colleagues. New investigations could be scheduled in the coming weeks, led by the laboratory. Case to be continued.

A woman tried in Marseille after accusing the little boy’s grandfather

In addition to these new examinations on the remains of the two-and-a-half-year-old blond boy, the case took another turn with the accusation of a town hall employee living in La Bouilladisse. The latter allegedly made several defamatory statements about the little boy’s grandfather, Philippe V., who was known to the police. The woman then allegedly, under a pseudonym, made serious accusations on Facebook against the former osteopath. Émile’s grandparents decided to file a defamation complaint against her, found by investigators thanks to her IP address. Her trial hearing is scheduled for July 11, in Marseille.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: DR / Facebook



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