Storm report yesterday: stormiest day since the beginning of the year

Storm report yesterday: stormiest day since the beginning of the year
Storm report yesterday: stormiest day since the beginning of the year

This intense deterioration was linked to the rise of a depression filled with warm air coming up from the Maghreb, confronted with cool Atlantic air. This conflict of air masses accentuated the violence of the storms.

Stormiest day since the beginning of this year

With 32,497 lightning strikes recorded by METEORAGE, this Saturday was the stormiest day since the beginning of this year. These storms came up from Spain before crossing France yesterday and moving towards Germany tonight.

Record rains

The storms were the wettest in Tarn, Meuse and Haute-Marne. In the space of 6 hours, the equivalent of 1 month of precipitation fell on certain sectors of these departments. Daily rainfall records for a month of June were recorded.

© The Weather Channel

Des sales records

As violent storms passed through the east yesterday evening, powerful gusts were recorded. In Tonnerre (89), an absolute wind record was recorded at the station.

© The Weather Channel

Significant hailstorms

Burgundy, Champagne and Lorraine were hit by hail. Some hailstones were the size of a ping-pong ball.

© The Weather Channel



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