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Gas prices, DPE, tax… everything that changes for you in July

Gas prices, DPE, tax… everything that changes for you in July
Gas prices, DPE, tax… everything that changes for you in July

© Capital / Freepik

– Find out everything that changes on July 1, 2024.

Find out what’s happening in July. This month, a series of new measures makes its debut: a brand new savings plan dedicated to young people, aiming to promote the ecological transition, an update of the energy performance diagnosis (EPD) for small areas, and the application of the decree on “reduflation” (Or shrinkflation) for better price transparency in supermarkets. Stay informed even during your vacation thanks to Capital.

The evolution of gas prices

The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) publishes each month, for information purposes, a reference price for the sale of natural gas (PRVG) to help residential consumers choose their gas supply offers. In July 2024, this reference price will increase by 11.7% compared to June, reaching an average of 129.20 euros/MWh including tax. This increase is mainly due to the application of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks and the increase in wholesale natural gas prices.

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Read also :

Gas prices: why the RN VAT reduction will not be enough to reduce your bills

Housing: evolution of the DPE for small areas

From July 1, the DPE of 40 m² housing or less changes. The calculation of the energy label (from “A” for the most efficient to “G” for the most energy-intensive) is modified, allowing some of these small dwellings to no longer be classified as “energy sieves”. DPEs carried out between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2024 for these accommodations will be able to obtain a new document attesting to the new label. Without this new certificate, the initial DPE will remain valid. The label can be downloaded from the website of the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe).

Tax: opening of the online declaration correction service

Have you spotted an oversight or error after receiving your tax notice? From July 31, you will be able to modify the information declared this spring to your 2024 tax on 2023 income via the online correction service on This service will be available until December 4, 2024 inclusive.

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A new savings plan for young people!

From July 1st, a new savings product for under-21s will be available: the future climate savings plan. Created by the law on green industry of October 23, 2023, this plan aims to mobilize the savings of young people to support the ecological transition. Open from birth, the funds are blocked until the age of majority. The ceiling of this plan is set at 22,950 euros. Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in the future of your children and the planet!

Read also :

Future climate savings plan: understand everything about this new investment in 5 questions

Evolution of the retirement contribution rate for self-employed people

Change for more 800 000 auto-entrepreneurs carrying out a liberal activity. Their retirement contribution rate will increase on July 1st. It will go from 22% of their annual turnover to 23.1%. This increase is a first step because this contribution rate will be increased again, according to a precise schedule. In detail, the retirement contribution rate will be increased to 24.6% on January 1, 2025, then to 26.1% on January 1, 2026. The aim of these successive increases is to allow self-employed entrepreneurs to benefit froma supplementary pension when they have ceased their activity, which is not the case today.

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Public transport: new mobility payment rates

Twice a year, the government publishes the new rates of the mobility payment. This is a mandatory contribution from private and public companies with more than 11 employees, to finance the public transport. This July 1, the rates are changing in 28 local authorities which are responsible for organizing mobility. To find out the details of the rates applied zone by zone, go to the website of the service public.

“Shrinkflation” in the government’s sights

Government wants to stop deceptive commercial practice «shrinkflation», or the contraction of reduction and inflation. This phenomenon consists of increasing the price of a product while its quantity decreases. From July 1st, finished! Large stores will be obliged to inform consumers of price increases for products that have undergone a drop in quantity.

Read also :

Shrinkflation, cheapflation, greedflation… the tricks used by brands to make you pay more

Reform of rural revitalization zones comes into force

From July 1, the reform of rural revitalization zones (ZRR) introduces the new “France Ruralités Revitalisation” zoning. This system aims to boost the attractiveness of rural areas, including 17,700 municipalities and 13 departments fully zoned, as well as mountain territories. Companies setting up in these areas will benefit from tax and social security exemptions, including exemptions from income tax (IR/IS), business property tax (CFE) and property tax on built properties.

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New cars: a mandatory sound device from July

From July, it will be impossible to overdo it if you are planning to buy a new car in the European Union. All new cars will be equipped witha mandatory intelligent speed adaptation (AIV) system, designed to monitor and adjust the driver’s speed based on posted speed limits. This on-board technology aims to reduce the number of deaths on European roads by 20% and the number of injuries by 30%, as part of the “Vision Zero” (or “Zero Death”) plan on European roads. here in 2050.

New for the temporary employment of young paramedical graduates

From July 1, 2024, the young paramedical graduates will have to work for two years before being able to carry out a temporary mission. This measure aims to better support young professionals during the start of their career. The professions concerned: nurses, nursing assistants, specialist educators, social service assistants, educational supervisors and educational and social support workers in social and medico-social establishments and services.



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