Gas prices, DPE, insurance, future climate savings plan… Find out what’s changing in July 2024

Gas prices, DPE, insurance, future climate savings plan… Find out what’s changing in July 2024
Gas prices, DPE, insurance, future climate savings plan… Find out what’s changing in July 2024

Self-employed: a drop in real income to be expected from July 1

Self-employed liberals will finally be able to contribute to benefit from a supplementary pension… in return for an increase in their social security contributions and therefore a decrease in their real income. A decree of May 30, 2024 specifies that the contribution rates for self-employed workers contributing to the general scheme should increase by 2 points from July 1, 2024.

It will thus increase from 21.1% currently to 23.1%, then will gradually increase to 24.6% in 2025 and 26.1% in 2026. Self-employed people contributing to Cipav will see their rate increase from 21.20 to 23.20% in July.

Savings: a new investment for young people

A new savings product intended to finance the ecological transition and accessible to those under 21 will appear on July 1st. The Future Climate Savings Plan (PEAC) will allow parents of minor children or young people aged between 18 and 21 to open a savings plan from which it will be possible to invest in various supports (shares, bonds, etc.).

They will then be able to make payments up to €22,950, which the beneficiary will be able to withdraw after 5 years of holding the plan. This is closed in all cases when the holder reaches the age of 30.

A new increase in the price of gas

Natural gas consumers should see their gas bill increase by 11.7% in July according to the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). The average reference price should therefore stand at €129.20 per megawatt hour (MWh) including tax, compared to €115.70/MWh in June.

This increase in the bill is explained by the decision taken in February by the CRE to increase the tariff for using the GRDF gas network (ATRD7 tax). The price of gas could be reduced depending on the results of the legislative elections, the three main blocs having made statements to this effect.

Shrinkflation: consumers better informed from July 1

As of July 1, supermarkets will be required to inform consumers about products that practice shrinkflation. This practice of maintaining the same price, or even increasing it, while reducing the quantity of product in the packaging has been vilified for several months.

Medium and large surfaces of more than 400 m2 must display the following statement on the product packaging or a label affixed next to it: “ For this product, the quantity sold increased from X to Y and its price in (specify the unit of measurement concerned) increased by…% or…€.

Taxpayers can correct their tax return online

Taxpayers will be able to amend their tax return from 31 July if they have noticed an error or omission on the notice received. They will then have until 4 December to rectify their return if they have opted for online tax return. After this date, they will still have the possibility of filing a complaint with the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP).

As for individuals who have opted for declaration by mail, they will have to send a letter with a corrective declaration to the tax services.

The simplified energy performance diagnosis (DPE)

From July 1, the calculation of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) used to assess the energy consumption and impact on greenhouse gas emissions of a home by assigning it a label from A to G is revised. This new calculation will allow 140,000 homes of less than 40 m2 to escape the category of energy sieves, or 15% of these surfaces. These homes were disadvantaged by the DPE calculation method.

“Small dwellings, with a living area of ​​less than 40 m², are classified less well than average by the DPE”, admitted the Ministry of Ecological Transition last February. The owners concerned will be able to generate a new label free of charge on the website of the Ademe Energy Performance Diagnostic and Audit Observatory.

Insurance contract: why your car and home insurance could increase

Car and home insurance should increase on July 1st. The cause? As of this date, the contribution to the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism and Other Offenses (FGTI), known as the “attack” tax, should be increased from €5.90 to €6.50. These 60 cent increases should allow the FGTI to recover nearly €60 million more of the €580 million already acquired. This money should be used to finance the extension of the FGTI’s missions, whose role is to compensate victims of attacks but also assaults, rapes, fraud, etc.



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