Energy, transport, pesticides… What we know about the environmental programs of the parties

D-2 before the ballot is cast in the ballot boxes for the first round of the 2024 legislative elections. After security, the economy and foreign policy, 20 Minutes takes stock of the environmental issue in the programs of the main political parties in the election – the National Rally, the New Popular Front (Communists, LFI, Ecologists, PS), Ensemble (presidential majority) and Les Républicain – across four major themes: energy, thermal sieves, transport as well as water and pesticide management.


The National Rally

Marine Le Pen’s party wants to eliminate subsidies for wind turbines, stop wind projects and gradually dismantle existing parks. Instead, it is banking on launching a nuclear plan called “Marie Curie” which provides for the creation of ten new nuclear reactors by 2031 and ten more five years later.

Jordan Bardella signs the end of coal-fired power plants. To do this, he wants to convert coal-fired power plants into biomass (i.e. a factory that produces electricity from the combustion of organic materials) and develop green technologies such as hydrogen and geothermal energy. A project already supported by the presidential majority during the last elections.

The New Popular Front (PCF, LFI, Les Ecologists, PS)

The left-wing coalition plans to develop renewable energies. It calls for the establishment of a climate plan to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. In addition to the insulation of housing and the renovation of public buildings, the NFP calls for strengthening the French and European sectors for the production of renewable energies and to develop tidal energy. The question of nuclear power, a subject of contention on the left, is not mentioned in the program.

Together (presidential majority)

The presidential majority plans to launch the construction of 14 new nuclear reactors to ensure France’s energy independence and move towards a carbon-free economy.

The Republicans

The right-wing party proposes to defund wind energy because it considers that the market is quite solid. The Republicans also want to develop the nuclear sector. They have been calling for several months to extend the lifespan of the reactors to 60 years.

Thermal strainers

The National Rally

The far-right party plans to reauthorise the rental of energy-intensive housing, which the law gradually removes from the market.

The New Popular Front

His plan is to increase aid and guarantee that work is covered for those on low incomes.


His solution is to create a fund to help the middle classes renovate their housing and to renovate all Crous housing.

The Republicans

The Republicans are aligned with the National Rally on the response they are proposing.


The National Rally

The National Rally wants to reverse the ban on the sale of new cars with combustion engines in 2035 and to eliminate low-emission zones in metropolitan areas. It also wants to reduce France’s carbon footprint through industrial relocation. To do this, the party wants to promote local players in public procurement. It specifies that it wants to support short supply chains, national priority and European preference.

The New Popular Front

This coalition recommends suspending major highway infrastructure projects. She also advocates the accessibility of fares for public transport. To do this, it plans to reduce VAT on public transport pricing to 5.5% and introduce targeted free measures for certain groups, such as young people or people in precarious circumstances. At the same time, it intends to develop rail and freight with the creation of regional express services and the adoption of a moratorium on the closure of small lines.


The Macronist party promises to put 100,000 electric vehicles on the rental market at 100 euros per month.

Learn more about the legislative elections

Water management and pesticides

The New Popular Front

A major priority in its environmental program, water management is at the heart of the proposed measures, such as a moratorium on controversial mega-basins, 100% management of water by local public authorities as well as the contribution of industrialists to depollution. tablecloths and soils.

The New Popular Front intends to make water a “common good” with free “first cubic meters essential to life” and progressive and differential pricing depending on usage. His objective during the mandate? Achieve “very good ecological and chemical status of all watercourses and underground reserves”.

In the area of ​​pesticides, the party proposes to reinstate the Ecophyto plan, ban glyphosate and neonicotinoids, with financial support for the farmers concerned. It renews its support for the organic sector and agroecology.


Its ambition is to reduce the risks linked to the use of pesticides by 50% by 2030, based on a government indicator.



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