Abortion, immigration, invectives… what to remember from the first Trump-Biden debate: News

Outgoing US President Joe Biden and his Republican rival Donald Trump faced off in the first US presidential debate on Thursday, June 27, on CNN. A chaotic duel where criticism multiplied.

A more than lively debate and of rare violence in some sequences. Thursday, June 27, the American president, Joe Biden, and his predecessor, Donald Trump, neck and neck in the polls, faced each other on the American channel CNN in the first debate of the American presidential election, in Atlanta. According to the first reactions, Donald Trump emerged largely victorious from this first duel, abundantly criticizing the record of his successor while Joe Biden seems weakened and has been put in difficulty on the economy and immigration.

Inflation is killing our countrys”, Donald Trump immediately asserted, repeating an argument that he knows resonates with Americans and assuring that his rival was making “bad job“. Joe Biden responded by accusing his predecessor of having “really decimated the economy.”That’s why there was no inflation.“, he says.

Joe Biden criticized Donald Trump for his “terrible” actions against abortion rights.“It’s a terrible thing what you have done.”, launched the American president, in reference to the annulment of the Roe v. ruling. Wade, who guaranteed the federal right of American women to have an abortion, giving each state the freedom to legislate on the issue. The Democrat also recalled that his opponent was a “repeat offender“, after being found guilty in a case of concealed payments to a former porn actress, and ruled that he had the “moral sense of a depraved person“.

Immigration and international conflicts

On the immigration aspect, Donald Trump painted a catastrophic portrait of the situation in the country: “We had the most secure border in the history of our country. All he had to do was leave it that way. He decided to open our border, to open our country to people who come from prisons, people who come from mental institutions, people who come from insane asylums, people who come from terrorists.“. “There is no data to support what he says.“, replied Joe Biden, accusing his rival of exaggerating and lying about the migration crisis.

The war in Ukraine and that between Israel and Hamas were also at the heart of the debate. The Russian invasion would never have happened if the United States had a “leader“, launched Donald Trump, who was very critical of the billions of dollars spent by the United States to support kyiv. The Republican candidate also accused Joe Biden of behaving “like a Palestinian“. “He has become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he is a very bad Palestinian. A weak (Palestinian)” he said of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.



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