Cost of public charging will come closer to home charging, says LCP Delta

Cost of public charging will come closer to home charging, says LCP Delta
Cost of public charging will come closer to home charging, says LCP Delta

According to the research and consulting firm specializing in energy transition, the electric vehicle drivers must pay an average of 95 euros per month to recharge on the public terminal network. This is less than in the United Kingdom (145 euros per month) but much more than in some other European countries, such as Portugal (42 euros per month). If France is thus positioned quite well in terms of costs, in particular because ofa very low energy rate in €/kWhthere remains a significant social imbalance between drivers who can recharge at home and those who do not have this possibility. The stakes are therefore high for massively democratize the electric vehicle within the French vehicle fleet, with theaim to bring the cost of public charging closer to that of private charging.

>> ALSO READ: The AFIR regulation finally effective… and that changes everything for recharging

174 different charging rates in France, 2,649 in Europe

Thus, LCP Delta has just launched, with Eco-Movement, CHARGEtrack. In an increasingly competitive market, with hundreds of e-Mobility Service Providers (eMSPs) and Charging Point Operators (CPOs) in Europe offering their own tariffs, this platform is intended for professionals in the sector who wish to have better visibility on prices and their evolution in real time. Today, it lists no fewer than 174 different charging rates in France, and 2,649 in Europe. It should fpromote better competition forces in the presence and lead to a drop in prices in favor of electric mobility.

Composition of the price of public charging

It is important to remember that when talking about charging rates on the public network, different costs are included:

  • the cost of energy in €/kWhdirectly linked to the wholesale electricity market;

  • the connection cost and the transmission of electricity through the network;

  • the VAT tax cost for the charger and for the electricity purchased by the driver;

  • the margin applied by public network managers of charging stations as well as by the owners of the places where the stations are located (for example, supermarket car parks).

Playing on margins and connection costs

Furthermore, LCP Delta believes that in order to obtain a discount for the consumer, the ccosts related to connection to the electricity network and the margin applied by public terminal managers and owners of the premises will have to be reduced. Regarding the margins of managers and owners, we expect reductions over time. As the number of terminals on the network increases, the number of participating players increases, which leads to increased competition and therefore reduced marginstells us Arthur Pereira, consultant at LCP Delta, specialist in energy transition. As for the cost of connecting to the electricity grid, the latter is particularly important in the underserved areas where the need is criticalsuch as for fast charging stations on motorway service areas. This cost should naturally decrease as network reinforcements are carried out and these areas become better connected. Let’s take the example of Tesla with Superchargers billed at €0.40/kWh and €0.58/kWh depending on their location. The price difference is mainly explained by the cost of connection to the network which has yet to be amortized “, he emphasizes.

>> ALSO READ: Charging stations: a reversal of the home charging market to be expected, according to LCP Delta

In summary, although it is difficult to predict an exact pricesome parts of the costs constituting the tariff of public charging are expected to decrease in the coming years, bringing the price closer to that of private charging. Having a home terminal will always remain more advantageous in any case, because it allows certain costs to be avoided.



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