Forest fires: how do firefighters and the ONF protect us against fires?

Forest fires: how do firefighters and the ONF protect us against fires?
Forest fires: how do firefighters and the ONF protect us against fires?


Hugo Murtas

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 4:22 PM

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Since July 2022, and the considerable damage caused by a fire in the Rennes state forest, the Firefighters of Ille-et-Vilaine (SDIS 35) and the National Forestry Office agents of the department strengthen their cooperation.

Every year, 200 Firefighters are now trained to tackle forest fires. On the ONF side, about twenty agents from the Forest Fire Defense section (DFCI) are now mobilized in the Breton territory: 10 technicians and 10 patrol, surveillance and intervention agents (PSI).

A firefighter intervenes in the Rennes forest. (© Hugo Murtas / - Rennes).

In Ille-et-Vilaine, the period of greatest risk extends from June 15 to September 15. While wet weather reduces the risk of wildfires, forestry technicians and firefighters are on standby to intervene this summer in case of dry weather.

Action at the time of “incipient fires”

The 20 ONF 35 agents play a crucial role during “incipient fires”, that is to say before the firefighters arrive at the scene of a vegetation fire.

Thanks to a tanker, Carrying 600 litres of water and travelling through the Rennes forest every day, forest technicians are the first to intervene in order to limit the spread of the flames as much as possible.

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The 600 L water tanker belonging to ONF 35. (© Hugo Murtas / - Rennes).

We can hold out for between 7 and 15 minutes thanks to our tanker, which is on average the time it takes for the firefighters to arrive on site.

ONF 35

At the same time, the ONF is also taking action upstreamEvery day, a team of men in green patrols to assess risks and anticipate fires.

“Since the spring season, we have been observing the vegetation and its humidity level to determine whether it becomes an important fuel or not,” explains Marie Dubois, director of the National Forestry Office in Ille-et-Vilaine.

ONF agents and firefighters in the Rennes forest. (© Hugo Murtas / - Rennes)

As a reminder, in 2024, the Department doubled its investments in the purchase of emergency vehicles for the SDIS 35. “We are reaching 6 million euros invested over a year,” recalled Jean-Luc Chenut, president of the Department of Ille-et-Vilaine.

A third actor: meteorologists

In addition to the ONF and the firefighters, there are also meteorologists. “We send our field readings every day and the weather experts send us two readings every day,” explains Marie Dubois.

The risk of fires is indeed becoming ” pupil “ when the humidity level drops below 30 %, the temperature exceeds 30 degrees and the wind reaches a higher speed 30 km/h. “It’s the rule of 30.”

Finally, the forest guardians remind that nine lights out of ten are of human origin. “Fire follows man,” insists Vincent Leurs, an agent for the ONF. “It is often because of a spark, a poorly extinguished barbecue, or even a cigarette butt that fires start,” continues Marie Dubois.

This summer, firefighters and agents therefore invite all walkers in the forest to respect the rules to limit the risks of devastating forest fires for the environment.

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