what psychologists say about the state of the French since the dissolution

what psychologists say about the state of the French since the dissolution
what psychologists say about the state of the French since the dissolution

OHe is no longer talking about anything else. In the privacy of the office of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Serge Hefez, as well as in his consultation at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, the political crisis has been continually resurfacing since June 9. “The way in which current events, usually rarely discussed by patients, is currently taking precedence over their personal concerns and spills over, literally, into our consultations, is, I believe, the sign of a real psychic intrusion, he explains. I only observed this phenomenon twice: during the wave of attacks in 2015 and during the first confinement. »

However, in this new sequence of collective astonishment, what strikes the psychiatrist today is the unprecedented anger that is expressed. “People react like…

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