a couple in their seventies injured and hospitalized

a couple in their seventies injured and hospitalized
a couple in their seventies injured and hospitalized

In the tumultuous night of November 18 to 19, 2024, a fire devastating hit a home located in Petit-Caux, near , leaving two residents in their seventies injured and requiring hospitalization. This tragedy raises concerns about fire safety in the region.

A tragic night in Petit-Caux

The incident occurred in the town ofAssignywhere firefighters were alerted around 1:10 a.m. When they arrived, they discovered a house of 80 m² completely ablaze. The flames had already taken possession of the premises, making saving the home practically impossible.

Injuries and rapid intervention

Fortunately, the two occupants, a 72-year-old man and his 75-year-old wife, managed to leave the scene before emergency services intervened. Despite their escapethey suffered serious consequences: the man suffered from mild burnswhile his wife was the victim of a intoxication due to smoke. Immediately taken care of by the rescue teams, the two victims were transported to Dieppe hospital to receive the necessary care.

Effective fight against flames

The efforts of 19 firefighters mobilized on the ground made it possible to bring the fire under control quickly, thus preventing the fire from spreading to a hangar I could. Thanks to their professionalism, additional damage was avoided, which could have made the situation worse.

Current actions

Following this tragic event, an investigation was opened by the gendarmerie to determine the causes of this fire. This disaster also raises questions about the means of prevention against this type of disaster in residential areas.

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