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Legislative 2024: community policing, land rights, illegal workers… Here is what the different programs on security and immigration promise

Legislative 2024: community policing, land rights, illegal workers… Here is what the different programs on security and immigration promise
Legislative 2024: community policing, land rights, illegal workers… Here is what the different programs on security and immigration promise

Between a New Popular Front which wants to dissolve the BravM and the National Rally which wants to defend the police, the presidential majority is trying to compromise.

Attention sensitive subject. Even flammable. As in every election, the themes of security and immigration invade the debates on TV sets.

More or less audible for a voter who often has a fairly strong opinion on the question. Immigration and security are the themes that will most determine the French in their vote according to an Elabe poll for the Tribune Dimanche. For 36% and 33% of voters behind purchasing power (58%) which is very much in the lead but ahead of the themes of health (28%) or even pensions (18%).

What the political programs propose on the themes of immigration and security, with a view to the legislative elections.

“Security and immigration are the foundation and play into the hands of the vote in favor of the RN”

Very high scores which make Bernard Sananès, the president of the polling institute on BFMTV, say, “these two themes are the foundation and the game of the vote in favor of the National Rally and for immigration, it’s new” .

We must recognize that this is a subject on which we move from one extreme to the other with, in the center, a presidential majority which attempts a difficult compromise between firmness and humanism. On immigration, the program of the New Popular Front is clear: repeal most of the immigration laws adopted under Macron’s mandate, in particular the two immigration laws of 2018 or the most recent in January. There is also a question of facilitating the acquisition of French nationality and also disengaging from the regularization of illegal workers.

The RN advocates the abolition of land rights

The National Rally is the strictest opposite in matters of immigration even if its program, in a period of cohabitation, will come up against a delicate concordance between the President and the government for a large number of measures, with the exception notable for the abolition of land law and the abolition of state medical aid.

The presidential majority is in a form of continuity with a desire to follow the logic of the Darmanin law emphasizing the expulsion of immigrants representing a serious threat to public order and the expulsion of immigrants delinquents… But its problem remains being caught between a desire to assert greater firmness on this subject and on the other hand and having a volumetric assessment which says quite the opposite.

NFP: dismantle BravM and reestablish community policing

In terms of security, the same gap between an NFP which wants to dismantle the BravM and reestablish community policing when the National Rally defends the police by taking a controversial measure on “the recognition of a presumption of self-defense for the police, in the event that they open fire.” A measure sometimes presented as “a license to kill”, which is sparking a new, very divisive debate in public opinion. And which suggests that the RN vote is “over-represented in the police and the gendarmerie”, of the order of 60% to 74%, for active police officers according to a Cevipof study.

But one thing is certain, there is a desire in public opinion for a return to authority. But the means to achieve this are diametrically opposed.



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