2024 Legislative Elections: “I’ve lived in France for 56 years, today I’m afraid”, says a resident of Albertville

2024 Legislative Elections: “I’ve lived in France for 56 years, today I’m afraid”, says a resident of Albertville
2024 Legislative Elections: “I’ve lived in France for 56 years, today I’m afraid”, says a resident of Albertville

The first round of the legislative elections takes place this Sunday. There rise of the National Rally worried, particularly in popular neighborhoods, where some of the inhabitants have an immigrant background. It’s the case at Val des Roses in Albertville (Savoie).


“Of course my children are going to vote”

“Immigrants, always immigrants”gets angry Wassila, Algerian who has lived in the neighborhood for 50 years. She does not have French nationality so she will not be able to vote on Sunday. SO the sixty-year-old counts on her children to block the far right : “Of course they’re going to vote. Every time there’s a problem, we blame immigrants, that’s not possible!” Her two friends agree. One of them, Jeannette, has the right to vote and will also go to the polls: “It’s important, against the far right!”

The National Rally is also what worries Cherif. He came to the market with his pizza truck. Sunday, he will go to vote with his whole family. “My grandfather died in Verdun, and I have lived in France for 56 years,” he says. “And now I’m afraid to stay, it’s terrible”, laments the pizza maker. He glances at the market and adds: “Here, everyone lives well together. It’s only the politicians who think things are going badly.”

Some feel less concerned by the legislative elections

But not everyone feels as concerned about these approaching elections. LikeAmina who is going on vacation on Saturday. “I’m not very knowledgeable about politics”recognizes the young woman. Emilie won’t be voting either.. “I saw the right, and the left, they’re all the same.” And the RN is no exception for her: “It’s a party like any other, they won’t do anything more or less once in power.” In the Val des Roses polling stationIt is Jordan Bardella’s list that came first during the last European elections, with 35% of the votes.



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