Bretoncelles fire: electrical heating at the origin of the fire

Bretoncelles fire: electrical heating at the origin of the fire
Bretoncelles fire: electrical heating at the origin of the fire


Vincent Guerrier

Published on

June 25, 2024 at 6:16 p.m.

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It took eight long months of investigation to determine the causes of the terrible fire which cost the life of Milly Akriche Ducrou (40 years old), and her three children, the twins Tristan and Marin (11 years old) as well as Pierrot (8 years old). ).

On October 18, 2023, the house of Bretoncelles (Orne) had caught fire and carried away the mother and her three children, trapped by the fire in the bedroom on the first floor. A tragedy that left the entire village in shock.

The electrical outlets in question

According to the public prosecutor of Alençon, Laetitia Mirande, interviewed by our colleagues from West France, it was a “problem in the electrical installation” which was the cause of the fire. The cause, again according to our colleagues, is a set of electrical outlets.

The Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie of Pontoise indicates that “there is no accelerating product found in the house. The fire started from electrical heating.”

Conclusions which therefore put an end to all legal action, and finally provide answers to the families of the victims.

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