Prison closed for the young man who filmed the bodies of the victims after a terrible accident

Prison closed for the young man who filmed the bodies of the victims after a terrible accident
Prison closed for the young man who filmed the bodies of the victims after a terrible accident

Four young people aged 19 and 20 lost their lives in a road accident on the night of Saturday June 1 to Sunday June 2, 2024, in Libourne (Gironde). The shock was particularly violent, according to the mayor of the town Philippe Buisson who opened a psychological unit following the accident.

Monday June 24, a 24-year-old young man appeared before the Libourne criminal court. He was prosecuted for having filmed the scene of the accident and having broadcast the images, where we see the bodies of the victims, on Snapchat, reports South West .

He denies having filmed

The defendant was placed in pre-trial detention after his first trial was postponed for immediate appearance. He has always denied the alleged facts. At the hearing, he admitted his presence at the scene of the accident but again assured that he had not filmed anything, simply using his phone to shed light.

In their report, the municipal police officers who intervened after the accident described the defendant as an individual who “Wandered among the bodies and had to be asked to leave several times”. The investigation confirmed that the young man’s phone was transmitting data at the time of the incident.

Prison farm with electronic bracelet

Several other elements add to his case, notably his voice which we hear in the video. “That doesn’t mean it was me who was filming,” assured the young man at the trial, while his lawyer recalled that her client had performed first aid on the victims. She requested the acquittal, considering the lack of evidence.

The young man was finally found guilty of disseminating a violent message, contrary to dignity and accessible to a minor, according to The Resistant . He was sentenced, according to the prosecution’s requisitions, to six months in prison, to be served at home with an electronic bracelet.



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