An Olympic day brought together 630 schoolchildren in Clermont-Ferrand: “it was so good!”

An Olympic day brought together 630 schoolchildren in Clermont-Ferrand: “it was so good!”
An Olympic day brought together 630 schoolchildren in Clermont-Ferrand: “it was so good!”

Parade of delegations, Olympic flame, Marseillaisemeetings in multiple disciplines until the final race… 630 students from 27 classes from CE2 to CM1 from Clermont-Ferrand public schools participated this Tuesday, June 24 in an extraordinary Olympic Day.

A blazing sun, “athletes” impatient to take over the Philippe-Marcombe stadium. This Tuesday, June 24, was the final stretch of the Olympic challenge which mobilized throughout the year 630 students from 27 classes from CE2 to CM1 of Clermont-Ferrand public schools.

Everyone experienced this Olympic day intensely from the opening to the closing.


The entrance of the delegations – the Paralympic one in the lead, each school representing a country or continent – looked great, as did the formation of the five Olympic rings on the stadium, before students rushed to light the flame and let it resound The Marseillaise.

The deputy mayor, Christine Rougerie-Dulac, hoped that “this day will be a moment of joy and inspiration for everyone where we celebrate respect, team spirit and tolerance.”No marathon, but a race under the blazing sun where the children gave everything.


Before this day, they competed in challenges and participated in a cross country. This Tuesday, they discovered Olympic disciplines, ran and took a quiz. To decide between them, the public voted for the most beautiful artistic work created on the theme of the Olympics.

The winners of the race with the Olympic flag and the Phryge, the mascot of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. photos Noa Thévenin.

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The main event of the Olympics being the marathon, the Olympic challenge of Clermontois ended with a grand tour of the Philippe-Marcombe complex. The winners of both races stood on the podium to the cheers of their comrades and received medals with “We are the champions” playing in the background.

Madame Néron’s class from the Paul Bert school won the Olympic challenge. Photo Noa THEVENIN

The Olympic challenge was won by the class of Madame Néron from the Paul-Bert school, followed in the ranking by the class of Madame Pellet (Mendès-France) and the class of Madame Del Tedesco (Paul-Bert). Madame Del Tedesco’s class from the Paul-Bert school took the 3rd step of the podium.


Emy, 9 and a half years old, and Dayen, 10 years old, both in CM1 at the Paul-Bert school, were sweating at the end of the race, happy to have crossed the finish line despite “a few hiccups -feet” not very fair play in the peloton.

Both really enjoyed the day, “it was so good”, “especially the gymnastics” for Emy, “the boxing” for Dayen. The day was superbly organized and the young people really enjoyed it.

In the opinion of many schoolchildren, “it was still better than at school”, “but we wouldn’t do that every day, nor every year, especially the race!”

Géraldine Messina and Jules Zanardi

Photos: Géraldine Messina and Noa Thévenin



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