Paroles d’Exils: a very successful awareness day on a topical subject

Paroles d’Exils: a very successful awareness day on a topical subject
Paroles d’Exils: a very successful awareness day on a topical subject

the essential
At the “Paroles d’Exils” Festival. People, atmosphere, sharing, spectacle and applause.

Screening rooms packed with people, both at the Arrens-Marsous cinema with the broadcast of Romuald Vuillemin’s film “What colors are we made of?” as well as in the village hall with the screening of the documentary directed by Dominique Gautier “Bienvenue!”. The “Paroles d’Exils” festival was a success in its objectives which are to inform and raise awareness of the difficult situation of exiles. Even more than that, this day dedicated to welcoming migrants, to all those who are at their side to help them, was, above all, a moment of sharing and communication with others.

Claude Lascurettes, the president of the Association Accueil Azun, 3A which has around 200 members, organizer of this day, cited and thanked Jean Haurat, Béatrice Lévy and Sébastien Marsault, members of 3A who are at the origin of the creation of this festival as well as the town hall of Arrens-Marsous for providing the premises. The village hall, filled with an interested, concerned and attentive audience, tried in vain to close its door during the screening of the film “Welcome!”. All generations combined, they came to discover the strong message that the association conveyed through the editing of the documentary and that the director was able to convey through images.

“Be welcome. Let’s build the future together” summarizes all the actions taken and the work accomplished by 3A to promote the integration of exiled people. Immersed in the heart of artistic workshops, notably in the village school, Dominique Gautier captured the moments of learning our language, the emerging links in cultural exchange, the discovery of others, the smiles, the faces with emotions generated by the heartbreak of exile and the warmth of welcome.

Among the numerous testimonies, the floor was given to hosts, intervening associations, exiled young people and families, and political figures. At the end of the day, the public received a wonderful gift with a production sung by the children and a touching and acrobatic choreography, the result of work sessions with the theater and dance company “La Mandragore” , presented by a dozen young migrants. Highly applauded, these performances set the mood before continuing into an evening of discussions over a meal and a concert with the musical group “A la Bonheur”.



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