What does anti-Semite mean? – I’m interested

What does anti-Semite mean? – I’m interested
What does anti-Semite mean? – I’m interested

Forms of anti-Semitism have multiplied in France in recent years. In 2023, just over 1,700 anti-Semitic acts were recorded according to the Statista website. And if since its appearance this term has particularly targeted a community, notably the Jews, it should be noted that its definitional field is much broader than we imagine.

For years, several anti-Semitic acts have been revealed by “the Interministerial Delegation for the Fight Against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-LGBT Hate (DILCRAH)”. In 2019, a little more than 687 facts of an anti-Semitic nature were observed against 541 in 2018. Then a slight fall in 2020 (339) and an increase in 2021 (589) and a relapse still in 2022 (436) for growth in 2023. And, this increase has been particularly noted since the war in the Middle East. As a reminder, any anti-Semitic act, whatever its form, kills! Reason why the State firmly condemns these acts. So, against whom is a person declared anti-Semitic? The Jew ? The Arab? The descendants of these last two? This is what we will discover through this article.

What is anti-Semitism?

Several definitions converge on the same point: anti-Semitism is hostility, prejudice, or discrimination, aversion toward Jews as an ethnic or religious group. To this end, the Larousse dictionaries and the Oxford English Dictionary define anti-Semitism as a form of racism specifically against Jews. For some university researchers (Yale University, Berlin Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism), an anti-Semite is one who manifests forms of violence including verbal and physical attacks with the propagation of conspiracy theories accompanied by discrimination. systemic towards the Jewish community. The National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) decides and officiates that an anti-Semite is one who expresses a form of hatred against the Jewish community. A definition that is almost similar to that of the Department of State in the United States and that of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Clearly, anti-Semitism is an act of violence which is previously manifested by a feeling of contempt, hatred and injustice towards the Jewish community. However, when we take the definition of the word Semite, we do not have just one community.

What does Semite mean?

According to Mr. Robert, Semite means this: “Person belonging to an ethnic group originating from Western Asia (of related languages)“. If this definition seems less inclusive and potentially vague, here’s what the Oxford English Dictionary says: “Originally: a member of one of the peoples mentioned in Genesis 10:21-31 as a descendant of Shem, one of Noah’s sons, traditionally interpreted to include the Hebrews, Arameans, Assyrians and Arabs. Also subsequently: a member of one of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language.”. Clearly, the term “Semite” does not only designate Jews, but also encompasses all of Western Asia, the Middle East, as well as all Arab peoples of various faiths (Muslims, Buddhists, Jews , Orthodox, Christians, Catholics, etc.). Since the Jewish people are part of this definition, it is therefore not surprising that every feeling of hatred or contempt towards them is classified as anti-Semitism by scientists, journalists and the general public Indeed, Jews have been the main victims of these injustices throughout the world. But what about the same feelings towards other Semitic communities?

The spread of anti-Semitism towards other Semites: justice must be fair!

The feeling of hatred and contempt, whatever its form and expression, constitutes an offense because it can ultimately become criminal. It is therefore imperative to punish him severely to eradicate him from society. On certain television sets, journalists and commentators do not hesitate to utter hateful remarks against other members of the Semitic community, simply because they belong to other religious faiths. If among the latter, some have already paid the price for these racial and religious insults, this remains less proportional when it comes to anti-Semitic acts against Jews from the same Semitic community.. However, this injustice, or even this double standard, can prove very harmful and lead to other forms of violence against the members of this community. Violence, whatever its form and nature, has no place in France, as our political authorities remind us. Therefore, justice against anti-Semitism must apply to all Semitic communities, so that no member feels wronged. This is what the eminent constitutionalist Georges Burdeau (1905-1988) argues in his work The State (1970), when he asserts that it is the responsibility of the State to guarantee justice. He must ensure that “the rights of everyone are respected in the interest of all“.

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