prices in France this Tuesday June 25, 2024

Fuel prices in France are a constant concern for many motorists. Recently, the pricing landscape has reflected varying changes across fuel types. Let’s take stock of the situation to give you a detailed view and understand the changes in prices at the pump.

Lead Free 98 (E5) and Lead Free 95 (E5 & E10)

For users of gasoline vehicles, the distinction between types of unleaded (SP) can impact the budget. To date, the price of Unleaded 98 (E5) is €1.931 per liter. Over one week, this rate increased slightly by 1.5 cents. Looking at variations over one year, the change remains marginal (-0.1 cents).

As for Unleaded 95 (E5), which remains a popular choice among motorists, the liter is at €1.854, marking an increase of 1.3 cents on last week. In the long term, the price fell by 1.1 cents per liter in one year.

For those who opt for the less expensive Unleaded 95 (E10), they currently benefit from a liter at €1,833. This represents an increase of 1.9 cents since last week, and a more significant decline of 1.7 cents over the past year.

Bioethanol E85

Bioethanol E85, known to be economical, is offered at €0.857 per liter, a tiny increase of 0.1 cents in one week. However, this fuel shows the most notable year-over-year decrease with a reduction of 24.2 cents.

Diesel (B7)

Diesel, frequently used in particular in transport and by many diesel vehicles, currently costs €1.751 per liter, recording a notable increase of 4.1 cents in the last week alone. The price development also shows an annual rise, with an increase of 2.5 cents per liter.

The GPLs

LPG, although it represents a minority on the market, is sold at €0.989 per liter, suggesting a slight reduction of 0.9 cents in a week but an overall stable trend with a slight increase of 0.3 cents over the ‘year.

General view

The overall trend for gasoline fuels shows some modest fluctuations over a week but rather a stabilization or a slight decline on the annual scale. Drivers of vehicles running on LPG and Bioethanol E85 make more attractive savings, especially in the long term.

This information will allow you to better plan your fuel expenses and perhaps consider more economical alternatives, depending on the frequency and your driving habits. Whether you drive occasionally or are a regular driver, observing trends can help optimize your daily fuel costs.

Today For a week Since one month Since a year
Lead Free 98 (E5) 1,931 €/l + 1,5 cents/l (+0,80%) – 1,0 cents/l (-0,50%) – 0,1 cents/l (-0,10%)
Lead Free 95 (E5) 1,854 €/l + 1,3 cents/l (+0,70%) – 2,5 cents/l (-1,30%) – 1,1 cents/l (-0,60%)
Lead Free 95 (E10) 1,833 €/l + 1,9 cents/l (+1,00%) – 1,5 cents/l (-0,80%) – 1,7 cents/l (-0,90%)
BioEthanol E85 0,857 €/l + 0,1 cents/l (+0,10%) – 3,5 cents/l (-3,90%) – 24,2 cents/l (-22,00%)
Gazole (B7) 1,751 €/l + 4,1 cents/l (+2,40%) + 3,9 cents/l (+2,30%) + 2,5 cents/l (+1,40%)
GPL 0,989 €/l – 0,9 cents/l (-0,90%) + 0,2 cents/l (+0,20%) + 0,3 cents/l (+0,30%)

Current fuel price trends in France reflect a variety of factors, including energy policies, oil market fluctuations, and a growing interest in more sustainable fuels. For consumers, this dynamic provides a complex landscape where fuel type selection can have significant short- and long-term financial implications.

Businesses, especially those whose operations rely heavily on fuel costs, must navigate this period of uncertainty with caution. Diversifying energy sources and investing in more efficient and less polluting vehicles can make sense.

In conclusion, closely following these trends becomes essential for anyone seeking to optimize their operational or family expenses.



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