“I am ready to reach a partial agreement on the hostages”

“I am ready to reach a partial agreement on the hostages”
“I am ready to reach a partial agreement on the hostages”

Netanyahu ready for partial agreement to release some hostages

Yaki Adamker, Barak Ravid

After numerous interviews in English, the Prime Minister was interviewed for the Patriots program on Channel 14, for the first time in Hebrew since the start of the war: “I am ready to reach a partial agreement on the hostages.” On colonization in Gaza: “It’s not realistic. » Senior Israeli official on abductees deal: “Netanyahu’s words have caused enormous damage to the chances of a deal”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed this evening (Sunday) by Channel 14’s Patriots, and discussed the current phase of the war: “The timber phase of the war is about to end. It will happen very soon ” Netanyahu said. The Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, had time to respond to the Prime Minister’s comments: “Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip and the encouragement of voluntary migration of the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are realistic and they will enable the realization of the concept of absolute victory. As we settled in Israel after 1967, we will be able to do so again in the Gaza Strip after 2024.”

Opposition President Yair Lapid responded: “I recommend the Netanyahu interview on Channel 14. Judge for yourself if he is capable of leading a country in crisis. »

Netanyahu also alluded to the crisis with the United States: “We need to invest much more in security and self-production, and free ourselves from dependence on others. I appreciate President Biden’s support at the start of the war. When it became clear that we “We can fight with what we have, it’s always better. We must defeat this weapon that carried out this massacre. Let everyone understand that this is what is done to those who start a war against Israel.

But referring to protests taking place every Saturday across the country, he said: “There is a very organized minority here who change their intentions every time – sometimes about the corona virus, sometimes about reform, but their goal is to overthrow the government and establish a left-wing government that will establish a Palestinian state here. Their agenda is fixed, the overthrow of the government. » “In all the warnings, it was emphasized that Hamas had been deterred, so unfortunately it was not deterred,” he added about the Israeli concept. “We know much more today than before about the planning of the October 7 attack.

The families of those abducted issued a statement in response to the Prime Minister’s remarks: “The Family Headquarters strongly condemns the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding the withdrawal of the Israeli proposal. This is the abandonment of the 120 abductees and abductees and a violation of the moral duty of the state towards its citizens. The end of the fighting in the Gaza Strip, without the release of those kidnapped, is an unprecedented national failure and a failure to achieve the objectives of the war for the government and its leader who wants to withdraw from its fundamental commitments regarding the fate of our people. relatives. The Prime Minister has the responsibility and obligation to return all abductees.

The Prime Minister’s Office responded: It is Hamas that opposes the agreement, not Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that we will not leave Gaza until we return all 120 abductees, alive or dead.

JForum.fr with news.walla.co.il

Benjamin Netanyahu,
Canal 14

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