Judo: 2 gold medals for Martinique at the French Veterans Championships

Judo: 2 gold medals for Martinique at the French Veterans Championships
Judo: 2 gold medals for Martinique at the French Veterans Championships

On Saturday June 22, 2024, the French men’s and women’s veteran championships took place at the National Judo Institute in Paris. Carole Sinègre from Amicale Mochizuki (M6 category under 52kg) and Marie-Claude Ivaldi, member of Club Omnisports de Bellevue (M6 category under 78kg) won the gold medal.

The practice of judo by veterans concerns men and women over 30 years old, all belt colors combined, whatever the level of practice.

Practice in this age category is growing, whether in competition, leisure, health sports or simply as a volunteer.

During the French men’s and women’s veteran championships which took place on Saturday June 22, 2024 at the National Institute of Sport, the Martinican representatives made the tatami do the talking.

Carole Sinègre from Amicale Mochizuki, in the M6 ​​less than 52kg category and Marie Claude Ivaldi, member of the Club Omnisports de Bellevue in the M6 ​​less than 78kg category, climbed to the highest step of the podium.

This martial art, combat and Olympic sport with the objective of either bringing the opponent to the ground and then immobilizing him, or forcing him to give up using elbow locks and strangulations, is is doing well in Martinique.

Throughout the year, West Indian judo stands out on the tatami mats, which shows the importance and quality of the trainers.

This is a first for Carole in this national competition. As for Marie-Claude, she retains her title of champion in her category.



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