Why you won’t see Frédéric Lopez’s show for a long time

Why you won’t see Frédéric Lopez’s show for a long time
Why you won’t see Frédéric Lopez’s show for a long time

This Sunday June 23, 2024, France 2 broadcast the last unpublished issue of season 2 ofA Sunday in the countryside. But despite good audiences, the magazine will disappear from the air for a while. Here’s why !

A necessary break. Since its launch in October 2022, A Sunday in the countryside has found its place in the habits of France 2 viewers. With each broadcast, and despite numerous cancellations, the Sunday meeting proposed by Frédéric Lopez brings together an average of 1.5 million followers. A very nice performance due, in particular, to the quality of the program as well as the casting! Indeed, the magazine succeeds in bringing together several personalities from different backgrounds to share their professional journeys but also their vision of life, during a weekend outdoors, all in a bucolic setting.

A Sunday in the countryside : why will Frédéric Lopez’s magazine no longer be on the air for a few weeks?

And the magic happens every time. Proof of this is the new number broadcast this Sunday, June 23, 2024 with the host Adriana Karembeu, the singer Ycare and the former Olympic champion Marie-Josée Pérec. For around 1h30, Frédéric Lopez once again managed to put his three guests at ease, allowing them to confide without taboo about their careers and the obstacles they had to overcome. Three very beautiful life lessons for an episode rich in laughter and emotion. After a busy season, the show team takes a few weeks of vacation to recharge their batteries. As a result, the magazine will be absent from the France 2 antenna during the summer. It will be replaced by different events from the Olympic Games broadcast by the channel.

A Sunday in the countryside : when will Frédéric Lopez’s show return to France 2? Who will be the next guests?

To wait, you can always view previous issues ofA Sunday in the countryside on france.tv, the France Télévisions streaming platform. The show will return in a new way for a season 3 around mid-September. In any case, this is what Frédéric Lopez announced in an interview given to our colleagues at TV Star. The 57-year-old host also took the opportunity to reveal the names of the first guests. “We have already shot several numbers, including one with Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Arnaut Ducret and the singer Santa. Another with pastry chef Nina Métayer, Samuel Le Bihan And Alain Chamfort, he listed. And as good news never comes alone, Frédéric Lopez revealed a big change for the next issues: “We got another quarter of an hour!“The episodes will therefore be approximately 1h45 long from the start of the school year. Enough to delight all his fans!



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