social movement occupies former state building after flood

Porto Alegre. In the historic center of the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the Movement of Struggle in Neighborhoods, Cities and Favelas (MLB) occupied the former building of the Henrique Luis Roessler State Foundation for the Protection of the environment. Up to 100 families from the outskirts of Porto Alegre, left homeless by the catastrophic floods, took part in the campaign.

Military police evacuated the building the same day. Hundreds of police chased away the families. Guilherme Brasil, one of MLB’s national coordinators, was arrested.

In a statement, the movement defended the occupation of the former Foundation for Environmental Protection. “Only the fight changes lives, it is only with organized people that we can guarantee housing and a dignified life for those affected by the floods!” A dignified life is a privilege, occupation is a right,” MLB said.

The occupation was intended to draw attention to the lack of housing policy in the current critical situation. Thousands of people have nowhere to live after leaving emergency shelters. MLB coordinator Helena Andrade stressed that the movement would organize occupations to show society that there are thousands of public buildings that have no social function and should be reserved for social housing.

“Occupation is a fundamental form of collective organization for families who lost everything in the floods. We are fighting for (…) a society without social inequalities, in which everyone has a roof over their head and can live with dignity. ” he keeps on.

According to MLB reports, the state building has been unused for more than a decade. According to photos and a video published by the movement, the building is in a precarious state and littered with waste, without electrical connections and with neglected furniture. According to the organization’s reports, shortly after the occupation, families set up a shared kitchen, nursery and bedrooms in the building.

MLB named the cast after Sarah Domingues. She was an activist and student of architecture and urban development. Domingues also served as director of the National Union of Students (UNE) and the Central Student Directory of the University of Rio Grande do Sul. In January, she was shot dead while investigating flooding on Ilha das Flores in Porto Alegre.

The occupation of the former Foundation for Environmental Protection is the fourth action of this type carried out by MLB since the Porto Alegre floods in early May. Other social movements such as the Rebellion Youth Union, the Olga Benario women’s movement, and the class struggle movement supported MLB’s action.

According to the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul, 2,398,255 Brazilians were affected by the floods throughout the state. In total, 422,753 people are homeless and around 10,793 people have been housed in emergency accommodation.



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