What will the weather be like in Crozon and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?

What will the weather be like in Crozon and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Crozon and its surrounding areas on Saturday November 16, 2024?

When you wake up, the weather will be overcast in Crozon this Saturday, November 16, 2024, and the temperature will be cool. The thermometer will remain stable at 10°C. The strength of the wind will vary around 5 km/h, and its direction will be variable.

This afternoon, the sky will remain overcast. The mercury will remain constant at 11°C. The wind will gradually increase between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. to around 15 km/h, and its direction will change.

This evening, the wind will decrease to approximately 5 km/h around 8 p.m., then strengthen suddenly at the end of the evening to reach approximately 15 km/h. Its orientation will be inconsistent during this interval. The thermometer will remain uniform at 10°C. The sky will still be overcast around 6 p.m., before clearing up a little towards the end of the evening.

During the night, wind strength will increase rapidly between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. to around 40 km/h, then fade to around 25 km/h in the early morning. Gusts could exceed 70 km/h. It will be in a northwesterly direction, then drift to the west around 2 a.m. The mercury will rise towards the end of the night to reach 12°C. The night will start with overcast weather, then the clouds will thicken around 1 a.m. and will partially clear at the start of the night.

Tomorrow, the sky will be mostly overcast, but no bad weather is expected. The air temperature will be usual for the month of November: it will be 12°C on average, with a maximum of 13°C reached around 8 a.m. and noon.

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