Servian Boujan won his ticket for the final of the French Federal 3 championship

Servian Boujan won his ticket for the final of the French Federal 3 championship
Servian Boujan won his ticket for the final of the French Federal 3 championship

The Héraultais did not want to stop there, engaged this Sunday June 23 in the semi-final of the French Federal 3 championship. Mission accomplished on the Saint-Lys field where they beat Vergt 37-15, heading to the final next weekend against Saverdun.

They wanted this final, the Héraultais. It’s done after the clear victory against Vergt. However, the match started with a lot of offensive pressure from Vernois, who then unleashed the provocation at all costs. Servian Boujan did not lose his composure and scored a first try thanks to Lirenzo.
Anthony Diaz, referee of the match, blew the whistle, and Camacho took the penalties. The tension on the opposing bench rose another notch. We then witnessed a dramatic turn of events. Following repeated insults towards the refereeing body and the federal representative, the man in black issued a red card to Thierry Labrousse, coach of Vern. Which effectively led to the expulsion of a Périgord player, second row Colson in this case, reducing Vergt to 14 for the end of the match.
At the restart, Camacho continued his festival, while Marc added a strong try on a carried ball. Vergt didn’t give up, Ake reduced the score, before Camacho, definitely having a big day, added a nice trickster try. The end of the meeting was messy. Vergt was rewarded with a penalty try on a penetrating group collapsed by the SBR, a few more cards fell, before Camacho put an end to the point with a 6th penalty. Players and supporters could commune with the same emotion and intense joy. See you in the final against Saverdun winner of Villeneuve sur Lot (15-13) in a short week.

Technical sheet :
In Saint-Lys, municipal stadium.
Half time
: 14 to 3.
Referee: Anthony Diaz.
For Servian Boujan: 3 tries from Liranzo (17th), Marc (54th), Camacho (76th), 2 Camacho transformations (54th, 76th); 6 Camacho penalties (2nd, 20th, 23rd, 42nd, 47th, 80th).
3 yellow cards.
For Vergt: 1 Ake try (64th), 1 penalty try (75th), 1 penalty from Lozeille.
1 yellow card, 2 red cards.
Servian Boujan : Camacho – Liranzo, Molina, Saumade, Viala – (10) Cabrol – (9) Arcas – Sauvant,
Munoz, Pendaries – Amigo, Lumière – Vandycke, Trindade (cap), Marc. Then Discourt, Ber, Cousien,
Landron, Antunez, Pau, Garriguenc.


Kitou Cabrol, fly-half: “I have difficulty speaking because the emotion is so strong. We old-timers had promised ourselves two things: to come back, and also to take our revenge on this semi-final lost two years ago. We experienced some very hard times, we got through them together, and the victory only tastes better.”

Quentin Camacho, scrum half: “It’s huge, I think we don’t realize it. We knew how to be patient, not to get angry, to stay focused on our game, and it paid off.”

Max Santa, co-president (with tears in his eyes): “We wanted this finale since the start of the season, we never really hid it. And I assure you that we will play it to win it.”



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