If Switzerland wins the Euro, what does that change for you? – rts.ch

If Switzerland wins the Euro, what does that change for you? – rts.ch
If Switzerland wins the Euro, what does that change for you? – rts.ch

We will only know on July 14 who will win the Euro, but what if, this week, we relied on Switzerland’s very good qualification in the round of 16 to dream of victory? And winning the Euro, how much does that pay? How happy does it make you and can it boost our economy?

The victory of a national team first of all provokes a feeling of euphoria or happiness, like that of the 5 million people who invaded the streets of Buenos Aires in December 2022 to welcome Messi and the other Argentine world champions.

If Switzerland wins the Euro, what does that change for you? / What does that change for you? / 4 mins. / Wednesday at 1:05 p.m.

We needed it so much, because the people are having a very bad time. We are going through a terrible political and economic crisis, so joy like that feels so good

An Argentinian supporter in the 12:45 of December 19, 2022

A good result for a national team therefore slightly increases the GNH, the national happiness of its country.

If we measure happiness on a scale of zero to ten, we see that it increases. This was for example the case for the French population during Euro 2016, when the national team reached the final

Luc Arrondel, economist at the CNRS interviewed by RTBF, November 21, 2022

Depending on the context, a victory can even give hope to an entire country. The unexpected victory of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1954 in the World Cup final at the Wankdorf stadium in Bern helped to revive a country still humiliated by its defeat in 1945.

Economically, politically and football-wise, we were a country on the ground, nobody was counting on us in Switzerland and we would have been satisfied to finish in the last eight.

Horst Eckel, member of the German national team in 1954, Téléjournal of November 4, 2003

And you in all this?

If it can give a little boost to our economy or strengthen Switzerland’s brand image abroad, a victory in a major competition is above all a great source of joy which would give us a boost all summer long. .

Claire Burgy



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