what to remember from Friday June 21

what to remember from Friday June 21
what to remember from Friday June 21

► EU: the 27 confirm the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine on Tuesday

The 27 countries of the European Union confirmed on Friday June 21 the opening next Tuesday of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, announced the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU on the X network.

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EU finance ministers, meeting in Luxembourg, formally adopted the framework for negotiations with these two candidate countries, confirming an agreement in principle by their ambassadors reached last week. This agreement paves the way for the formal opening of negotiations on Tuesday in Luxembourg, the same source said.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the decision. “We look forward to next week, June 25, when Ukraine and the EU will hold their first intergovernmental conference, which will mark the effective start of the negotiation process”he explained on “European dream”.

The head of Ukrainian diplomacy Dmytro Kouleba also welcomed the opening of negotiations. “We have not let anyone or anything deviate us from our historical trajectory” congratulated the Minister of Foreign Affairs on. “Nothing can stop (Ukraine) from realizing its European dream”he assured.

► In Russia, one dead and around a hundred Ukrainian drones neutralized

Russia said it had neutralized 114 Ukrainian drones overnight which notably targeted the Krasnodar region in the south of the country, where one person was killed, according to local authorities.

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Russian air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 70 drones over annexed Crimea, 43 drones over the Krasnodar region and one drone over the Volgograd region, according to a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry in a press release.

In the Krasnodar region, the drone attack damaged a boiler near the Yuzhny bus station, regional governor Veniamin Kondratiev said on Telegram.

“As a result of falling debris from a drone, a boiler employee was killed”he underlined, denouncing a “massive attack by the criminal regime in kyiv”.

► Ukraine deploys reinforcements in the Chassiv Yar sector

Ukraine has deployed reinforcements in the Chassiv Iar sector, a strategic city on the Eastern Front and gateway to the major mining towns of Donbass, a combat unit said in a statement on Thursday.

Moscow is targeting this city, now in ruins, with the aim of making a breakthrough towards Kramatorsk, the main city still under Ukrainian control in the region, garrison of the Eastern Front.

“Units of the 24th mechanized brigade were redeployed to strengthen the defense in the Chassiv Yar sector”indicates the brigade’s press release on Facebook, admitting that “the situation in and around the city is extremely difficult”. The 24th Brigade explains “massively destroy the enemy”but concedes “losses”.

► Ukraine prioritized in the delivery of American weapons

United States “made the difficult but necessary decision” to now give priority to Ukraine over other allies in the delivery of missiles intended for anti-aircraft defense, said a White House spokesperson.

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“I am deeply grateful to (US President Joe) Biden for prioritizing Ukraine in delivering much-needed air defenses to respond to Russian attacks”reacted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the social network

Therefore, exports to other countries of Patriot and NASAMS missiles in particular will be “delayed”said John Kirby, spokesperson for the National Security Council, without giving many more details on the states concerned.

The spokesperson, however, assured that this decision “would not affect Taiwan”. This American announcement follows a new Russian attack, described as “massive” by kyiv, against Ukrainian energy infrastructure.

► A Russian professor sentenced to 20 years in prison for “high treason”

A Russian military court sentenced a drawing teacher accused of ” high treason “ for having sent money to Ukraine and who claimed to have been denounced by colleagues at his school. Daniil Kliouka, aged 27, will serve five years of his sentence “in remand center” and the other 15 “in a colony with a severe regime”a spokesperson told the Ria Novosti news agency.

According to a notice on the court’s website, the verdict was delivered the day before. The accused was prosecuted for ” high treason “ And “support for terrorist activities”.

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The prosecution, underlined the Russian media RBK, claims that he had made two cryptocurrency transfers worth 100,000 and 20,000 rubles (approximately 1,000 and 200 €) to a Ukrainian fund, “Come back alive”which raises funds for the Ukrainian army.

Still according to the prosecution, he also planned to send money to the Azov regiment, designated “terrorist organization” in Russia. The RBK media explains that he pleaded guilty during his trial.



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