Sébastien Denizot is an environmental technician and facilitator within the CAP Tronçais association. For 3 years, he has participated, alongside the ARS, in prevention campaigns aimed at informing residents of Indre and Cher of the risks of radon gas.
“It can happen that people are vindictive, even conspiratorial”
Radon seems to be a gas that is relatively unknown to the population. Do you confirm?
Sébastien Denizot: ” No. Health authorities have known about its negative impact on health for many decades. On the other hand, the way of approaching the problem of radon gas in the home has changed. Before, you might think that it had been overlooked. Now radon gas is being considered more seriously than it has been. »
Per year, how many deaths are attributed to this gas in France?
“3,000, almost as many as the number of deaths per year following a road accident. »
What is the best advice to remember to protect yourself from risks?
“Air. Ventilating for a quarter of an hour a day, even in winter, allows all sources of pollution to be evacuated from the home. And thus improve air quality. »
Do you sense, during your various meetings, a certain concern from the population?
“In some people, yes. And it can happen that people are vindictive, suspicious, even a little conspiratorial at times. But it’s on the margins. In 95% of cases, it’s more curiosity. People want to know, corroborate suspicions and answer a question: am I affected by this phenomenon? »