This summer, Sire de Loré returns to tell the story of the Middle Ages in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes

This summer, Sire de Loré returns to tell the story of the Middle Ages in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes
This summer, Sire de Loré returns to tell the story of the Middle Ages in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes

Every summer and for many years, the Médiéville 53 association, in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes (Mayenne) invites Laurent Gandon. In the guise of Sire de Loré, he becomes a knight from the Middle Ages. Resurrected for the occasion, he goes to meet the public in the Parc de la Butte-Verte.

A festival of anecdotes

True to himself, during his retirement period, he concocted many stories based on the reality of the medieval era to offer visitors a festival of anecdotes, laughter, discoveries and of course thrills.

Read also: tourism in Mayenne

“This year, I have set up four new themes. They will reveal the hidden faces and realities of the big and small stories linked to this era, says Laurent Gandon. The spectators will be able, by drawing lots, to choose the theme which will be highlighted in each of my interventions.

When Women Go to War

Women will be the subject of the first theme “When Women Go to War”: Most often, history only tells of the knights and men-at-arms who faced each other on the battlefields. However, the myth of Joan of Arc is there! She was a formidable war leader. In our imagination, we think that she was the only one, well that was not the case. The public will discover it,” declares the knight Sire de Loré.

The knight at arms

He pursues : With the 2 e theme The knight in arms”, I rely on the legend of the handsome knight in his beautiful armor. At that time, there were many wars leading to famine and disease. This is the image we have of it in the 21st century.e century. Pure fiction or reality? Who knows ! The long years of training of this man called Knight will also be discussed.

The customs of legal combat

“The customs of judicial combat” will constitute the 3e theme. “How to settle a dispute between a knight and a lord? Well, by duel, of course! We will see that it is not always a smooth affair.”

The Children’s Revolt

The 4e The theme discussed is entitled “The Children’s Revolt” ». “When children facing poverty go to war against the powerful, the repression will be harsh after their defeats”concludes the knight.

Weapons of war

The public will discover all the weapons of war from this medieval period. “I made them all exactly as they were back then.”specifies Laurent Gandon.

Medieval animations. Wednesdays, July 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2024. Wednesdays, August 7, 14, 21 and 28. From 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Parc de la Butte-Verte. Free. With the financial support of Médiéville 53.



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