The Department rewards the actors of the Literary Prize for middle school students

The Department rewards the actors of the Literary Prize for middle school students
The Department rewards the actors of the Literary Prize for middle school students

This Friday, June 21, Maël DE CALAN, President of the Department of Finistère, brought together the winners of the Literary Prize for college students at the Trévarez estate in Saint-Goazec. This year’s winning novel is What Happened to Flight MH 370? by Sarah BARTHER, and the ten most original student productions were rewarded.

The Middle School Students’ Literary Prize: 4,800 students participating

In September 2022, the Department initiated and financed the Literary Prize for middle school students. The objective of this system is to bring young people closer to reading.

For the second edition of the Literary Prize for Middle School Students, 3 novels were offered to students:

  • What happened to flight MH370? by Sarah BARTHERE,
  • A thousand nights, plus one by Victor POUCHET,
  • Youkai by Thibault VERMOT.

From October 2023 to April 2024, nearly 4,800 students participated in this prize, i.e. 179 classes spread across 60 colleges (33 public and 27 private). This second edition is a great success, the number of participants was almost doubled as it was 2,700 students last year.

The students studied these novels in class, met the authors and professionals of children’s literature (115 face-to-face or videoconference meetings took place) and exchanged with the librarians of their CDI as well as the booksellers and librarians of their city to form an opinion, and award one of the 3 novels the 2024 College Students Literary Prize. Beyond the prize awarded, this action is part of an educational approach which aims to teach them to argue, to confront contradictory opinions and to design a support to support their judgment.

The award-winning novel: What Happened to Flight MH 370? by Sarah BARTHERE

The 179 participating classes voted to elect their favorite novel. After counting the votes, it is What happened to flight MH 370? by Sarah BARTHERE which is awarded. It was ranked first by 108 classes.

The Department will offer the award-winning novel to each Finistère student who enters 6e at the start of the 2024 school year.

Beyond reading, the students carried out educational work around the books by creating original productions. Ten classes were rewarded for their work:

  • Sainte-Anne private college in Brest (5e 3),
  • Penn ar C’hleuz public college in Brest (5e 3),
  • Saint-Joseph private college in Concarneau (503),
  • Kervihan public college in Fouesnant (5e 1),
  • Paul Langevin public college in Guilvinec (5e sun),
  • Camille Vallaux public college in Relecq-Kerhuon (5th D),
  • Château public college in Morlaix (502),
  • Private college La Mennais – Cap Sizunà Pont-Croix (5e 2),
  • Le Likès College in Quimper (5e 1),
  • Théodore Hersart de la Villemarqué public college in Quimperlé (5e F).

The College Students Literary Prize renewed for the year 2024-2025

Given the success encountered with middle school students, the Middle School Students’ Literary Prize has been renewed for the next school year. The book selection jury met and selected the books that the 5 year old studentse next year will study.

Here are the 3 works selected for the year 2024-2025:

The flamboyants: we didn’t kill anyone! by Hubert BEN KEMOUN – Sarbacane
The body of a man is found in front of the Les flamboyants care center, which welcomes different children. Five of them, Claudius, Martial, Kenny, César and Samuel, are questioned by an investigator, convinced that the boys are hiding many things from him.

The girl and the cat by Catherine CUENCA – Scrineo
1 348. A monk appears in front of the farm of young Bertille’s uncle, where the latter lives, announcing to them that the black plague is ravaging the region. Soon, the cats are accused of spreading the epidemic and their owners suspected of witchcraft. The teenager, who secretly takes care of Miron, a red cat with green eyes who is her only friend, flees to save him from the stake.

On the road to Indianapolis by Sébastien GENDRON – Youth pocket
United States, 1970s. Lilian, a French schoolboy, spends a few days in Chicago with her uncle and aunt before going to join her father in Indianapolis by bus. But nothing goes as planned. Getting off to go to the bathroom, abandoned by the driver who starts again without him, he finds himself alone with a strange man, Mr. Kaplan. Soon, a plane attacks them.



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