The Olympic day relay passed through Pontchâteau

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Raising children’s awareness of the values ​​of sport and promoting the practice of clean travel are the objectives of the Olympic day relay which stopped in Pontchâteau this Wednesday afternoon.

120 children gathered for the Olympic day relay organized by the Departmental Olympic Sports Committee represented by Yves Garreau, Jean Pierre Mauchrétien and Sylvie Quéric in the presence of Danielle Cornet, mayor of Pontchâteau, Jacques Chailloux and Sylvie Boucard, leaders of the committee. departmental cycle tourism. | WEST FRANCE

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  • 120 children gathered for the Olympic day relay organized by the Departmental Olympic Sports Committee represented by Yves Garreau, Jean Pierre Mauchrétien and Sylvie Quéric in the presence of Danielle Cornet, mayor of Pontchâteau, Jacques Chailloux and Sylvie Boucard, leaders of the committee. departmental cycle tourism. | WEST FRANCE

Pontchâteau was this Wednesday afternoon the stopover town for the Olympic day relay, an eco-sporting event, coordinated by the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee (CDOS) of Loire-Atlantique represented by Jean-Pierre Mauchrétien, elected member in charge of the service Sport, Territory and equipment”, Yves Garreau vice-president and Claudine Quéric, treasurer. The town of Pontchâteau, labeled Terre de jeux, was represented by Danielle Cornet, the children of the CLSH (leisure center without accommodation), the municipal children’s council and several associations…



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