Platoche: “There is no more romance since I left football” – International – France

Platoche: “There is no more romance since I left football” – International – France
Platoche: “There is no more romance since I left football” – International – France

Michel Platini is retired from football, but his career is still active.

Platoche, who will turn 69 this Friday, now keeps himself busy by playing golf or traveling to Italy, Morocco and Mauritius. “I take the time to take the time. […] It’s a joy to do what I want, peacefully. I’ve been free for three years. What a privilege »he says in a long interview with Figaro. “I no longer see myself in a position in an institution, nor in a clubhe continues. I went around, I did everything. I am contacted by people from all walks of life. From football and, moreover, from the media, I refused everything. » The former French player and coach, but also boss of UEFA, talks in particular about the end of number 10s, which he blames on coaches. Does romance in football still exist? Platini responds smiling that “No, there aren’t any more. Since I left football. » A departure which does not prevent him from strongly criticizing his successors at UEFA, of which he has no longer been a member since 2016. “Michel Platini, president, has more weight and power than the others who come after. Aleksander Čeferin, no one cares. »

Yes, our national Platini maintains very good self-esteem, and continues to defend himself: “What do the people I meet tell me? I’m a legend. For young and old in France, I am seen like that. I have a duty to correct and set an example, because I represent something. […] I don’t want to give anything back to anyone, but I want to clear myself of all the false accusations made against me. At first instance, I was cleared, but the aim was to remove me from the authorities. I have no corrupt pact with anyone. I’m not going to ask Sarkozy, president of UEFA at the time, who I should vote for! »

There is no corruption in football, that is well known.

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