“The Israeli government has concretely shown that it is indifferent to the fate of the hostages”

“The Israeli government has concretely shown that it is indifferent to the fate of the hostages”
“The Israeli government has concretely shown that it is indifferent to the fate of the hostages”

QFour Israeli hostages were released in Gaza on June 8. In the cities of the country, joy was present at the demonstrations which greeted the event. The happiness of the families of the hostages is understandable. They saw their loved ones return alive while their hopes continued to diminish.

While congratulating itself on its success, the Israeli army admitted that it was a “difficult operation”. Indeed: a major land attack and intensive bombing to secure the troops operating on the ground were necessary in order to carry out this enterprise.

Such ” success “ cost the other side more than two hundred dead and several hundred injured, collateral damage, as the defenders of Israeli extremism assert. Four hostages freed at the cost of rivers of blood, this is what the army knows how to do perfectly “the most moral in the world”.

The great political error of Hamas

What lesson can be learned from this latest and terrible episode of the war that Israel is waging in Gaza to avenge the bloody operation launched by Hamas on its territory on October 7, 2023? It is obvious, it must be repeated, that the hostages kidnapped that day by the movement that governs what remains of the enclave must be released.

But Hamas, among its many faults, made a major error in not understanding that the nature of Israeli power had changed with the arrival within it of leaders of a powerful extreme right, holding a prime minister at its mercy. obsessed with its political and judicial survival, and who also adheres to many of its objectives.

Read the editorial of “Le Monde” | Israel-Gaza: the triumph of hatred

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During previous episodes of the interminable confrontation between Hamas and Israel, the authorities of this state did everything possible to free its nationals and even to recover the bodies of those who had died.

A radical change in the Israeli regime

By kidnapping, on October 7, 252 Israelis to exchange them for an easing of the blockade of Gaza and the release of a few hundred Palestinian prisoners, Hamas believed, wrongly, that beyond predictable reprisals, but which it would not could imagine the magnitude, this well-rehearsed bargaining would operate ” as per usual “. It was without understanding that the transition of the Israeli regime from the right to the extreme right marked a mutation whose radicality has not been sufficiently measured.

Read the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers In Israel, war cabinet divisions speak out publicly

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All processes of fascisation, and the history of the 20th century has tragically shown this, have been marked by the total indifference of their promoters in the face of death, that of others of course, dehumanized enemies, but also that of the nationals of their country if it were to be a condition of their victory. Since the start of its offensive in Gaza, the current Israeli government has concretely shown that it is indifferent to the fate of the hostages.

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