Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement: what does it contain?

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement: what does it contain?
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement: what does it contain?

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a strategic partnership agreement on Wednesday during a bilateral summit in Pyongyang, Russian news agencies announced.

According to Russian news agencies, the one-on-one talks between the two men lasted about two hours, and these were preceded by broader negotiations.

The Kremlin indicated on Monday that this agreement “global strategic partnership” would reflect “the profound evolution of the geopolitical situation in the world”while Russia and North Korea both view the United States as an existential enemy.

Vladimir Putin had previously praised Pyongyang’s “systematic and permanent support” for Russian policy, particularly regarding “the Ukrainian issue”, while Kim Jong Une had promised the strengthening of the “spirited friendship” between the two countries.

Westerners fear a strengthening of military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang, which already supplies the Russian army with ammunition and missiles for its offensive in Ukraine, according to them.

Kremlin diplomatic advisor Yuri Ushakov also told Russian media accompanying the presidential delegation to North Korea that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un had exchanged gifts.

According to him, the Russian president offered Kim Jong Un a second Aurus, a Russian-made luxury car, as well as a tea set.

Regarding the gifts offered to the Russian head of state, Mr. Ushakov indicated, according to the Tass agency, that Mr. Putin had received works of art representing him.

According to him, it is “nice gifts”. “There are several variations of images, all very artistic, including busts”did he declare.

Western concerns

The trip to North Korea comes nine months after Mr. Putin hosted Kim Jong Un in the Russian Far East, a visit during which the two men praised each other but did not officially conclude at least, in agreement.

According to the West, Pyongyang has drawn on its vast stocks of munitions to massively supply Russia, and the Pentagon last week accused Moscow of using North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine.

In exchange, Washington and Seoul say, Russia provided North Korea with expertise for its satellite program and sent aid to deal with the country’s food shortages.

In March, Russia used its veto at the UN Security Council to end monitoring of international sanctions violations targeting North Korea, a major gift to Pyongyang.

This visit “shows how dependent President Putin and Moscow are now on authoritarian countries around the world”NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg commented Monday from Washington, stressing that Russia, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is now “violating the sanctions” imposed on North Korea.

“What concerns us is the deepening of the relationship between these two countries, not only because of the impact it will have on the Ukrainian people… but also because there could be a certain reciprocity that could affect the security of the Korean peninsula”declared White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba urged the international community to counter the “virile friendship” between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un by increasing arms deliveries to kyiv.

“Watch carefully”

South Korea said Thursday “monitor preparations closely” of Vladimir Putin’s visit.

Seoul has provided significant military aid to Ukraine, where South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol visited last month, and is taking part in Western sanctions against Moscow.

A few hours before Mr. Putin’s arrival in Pyongyang, “several dozen North Korean soldiers crossed the military demarcation line”, according to the South Korean general staff, before retreating under warning fire from the South.

According to the same source, this incursion – the second in less than two weeks – was accidental.

This is only the second visit to North Korea by the Russian leader, who last visited nearly a quarter of a century ago, shortly after he came to power, to meet with the father of Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il.

Putin Kim Jong Un Russia North Korea



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