Philosophy baccalaureate: there is such a hype about Simone Veil that some high school students have never heard of Simone Weil

Philosophy baccalaureate: there is such a hype about Simone Veil that some high school students have never heard of Simone Weil
Philosophy baccalaureate: there is such a hype about Simone Veil that some high school students have never heard of Simone Weil

The baccalaureate philosophy test took place this morning. Among the 3 subjects proposed was an extract from The working condition by Simone Weil published in 1943. If this philosopher was on the program this year, many candidates did not fail to confuse her with her almost namesake Simone Veil, like Raphaël who, barely leaving the room exam, realized his mistake while chatting with his friends in front of the Lamartine high school, in the 9th arrondissement of Paris.

“I didn’t introduce her much, I just said she was in politics.”

In front of the same establishment, Noé also suffers the blow.

“In the introduction, I explained that she had fought for abortion.”

Lou and his 18 average in philosophy all year was unable to avoid confusion.

“When my teacher finds out about this, she’s going to kill me. It certainly won’t earn me an off-topic but I’m afraid of losing a few points.

On Twitter too, students fresh from the test deplore their confusion.

“Shame, I was wrong with Simone Weil and Simone Veil”.

“Simone Weil and Simone Veil aren’t the same person??”

“I thought that Simone Weil and Simone Veil were the same person and that they had made a typo.”

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