Ryan Marchal, co-top scorer in Regional 1, has reaped the benefits of his change with Fagnières

Ryan Marchal, co-top scorer in Regional 1, has reaped the benefits of his change with Fagnières
Ryan Marchal, co-top scorer in Regional 1, has reaped the benefits of his change with Fagnières

Behind every footballer, there is a man, with his qualities and his faults, his strengths and his faults. Ryan Marchal has not always been an exemplary leader. A tumultuous player for a long time, the striker has calmed down over the years to the point where he is now unanimously unanimous. A late maturity, the culmination of which is not far away, at the end of this 2023-2024 season where captain Fagnièrot will have (a lot) shaken the nets.

Promoted with ES Fagnières in R1, his lifelong club with whom the shared history was interspersed with a spell at Châlons FCO, the 28-year-old center forward discovered the highest regional level. Like the Star elsewhere. A discovery which turned into consecration, and concluded with the status of co-best director of group A. With 21 goals scored, Ryan Marchal thus largely contributed to maintaining his team.

“If you finish top scorer but your team goes down… The main thing was that the club stays in R1”

Ryan Marchal

“Initially, I set myself a goal of 15 goals. The rest was a bonus, in an additional championship that we were discovering. We all worked together to get there. The desire to remain first in the scorers’ ranking came next, even if I would have liked to be there alone. smiles the person concerned, who finished tied with his counterpart from APM Metz, Paul Maurice.

Anyone who has gotten into the habit of carrying a pillow when traveling is in any case not the type to fall asleep on their laurels, nor to pull the blanket over themselves. He knows that all these goals did not happen solely thanks to his instinct and talent, and very quickly puts the group at the center of the discussion.

Big fan of Benzema

“This title of top scorer is a source of pride, because it is a personal and collective achievement. If you finish top scorer but your team goes down… The main thing was that the club remained in R1. Few people would have bet on us. It’s hard to discover such a tough championship. Even when we packed our bags, we didn’t give up. » This big fan of ” Karim Benzema, an attacker who is not obsessed with the goal and who seeks to make others play,” was also inspired by it, to carry out what he describes as a “band of friends” at the end of his quest.

The best goal? “The free kick against Bogny”, slips spontaneously the one who works as a fiber technician. It was last April 14, the day of defeat in the Ardennes (3-1). One more move, which allowed Ryan Marchal to attract attention. Enough to refuse proposals but accept the one coming from Cormontreuil, in the fight to move up to National 3.

“We will see in the future if I will finish here, in Fagnières, because it is my club. Cormontreuil was the most attractive project and I am very happy to sign there, he admits. I would like to thank the coaches, the assistant coaches, the staff, the volunteers, my teammates for these four years. I also make a little dedication to the three musketeers, they will recognize each other, and then I thank my wife who is always behind me, even for my new project. » That of a peaceful man, who wants to continue to reap the fruits of his change.



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