“I am a teacher and this is the end of year gift that I can no longer bear to receive”

“I am a teacher and this is the end of year gift that I can no longer bear to receive”
“I am a teacher and this is the end of year gift that I can no longer bear to receive”

It’s almost the end of the year and you’re planning to chip in to give a gift to your child’s school teacher? Here is the gift to avoid that teachers can no longer receive.

It’s almost the end of the school year and therefore the opportunity to offer the traditional end-of-year gift to one of his teachers, to show our appreciation for his work teaching children. Obviously, nothing obliges you to participate in this giveaway and some people appreciate just as much receiving a simple little thank you letter. The goal is not to spoil the teacher as if he were one of our loved ones but rather to have a little attention towards him for his involvement.

Often, school teachers receive symbolic gifts such as plants, chocolate or other sweet treats. But a gift tends to come back a lot and the teachers can’t take it anymore! At least that’s what they said 3 school teachers nearby Figaro Student.

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Should we give teachers a gift?

If for some the end-of-year gift is a tradition, this is not the case in all schools.“I won’t be offended if I don’t get a gift, but it always warms my heart to receive one,” indicates Laetitia Perez, a teacher for fifteen years and a primary school teacher in Brittany. For Barberine, a teacher for ten years in Paris, end-of-year gifts are “a form of recognition of work”. It is therefore not an obligation. As explained by Marc Gourmelon, school director at Carrière-Sous-Poissy “We like having a note from a parent to thank us for our work as much as a gift.”

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“I keep them all in a box”, confides Barberine. And teachers also appreciate personalized gifts. “The year I went to Brittany, a family offered me a voucher for a massage in the town I was moving to, it was very touching”says Laetitia Perez.

This gift not to give to your child’s school teacher

But the teachers seem unanimous on the gift that they can no longer receive. And it is personalized mugs. “The number of mugs with the words ‘best master in the world’ or ‘you are the most beautiful mistress’ that we accumulate becomes comical, we no longer know what to do with them”, indicates Marc Gourmelon. Before adding: “At least, we have a nice collection of mugs in the teachers’ room. If we break one, we will always have another to replace it!”

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A gift that does it all “always pleasure”, assures Laetitia Perez, before specifying that she is “delighted when the present is more original”. As you will have understood, personalized mugs should be avoided because teachers have already received many of them! Better to focus on a pretty bouquet of flowers or a card signed by all the students in the class.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…



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