the emotion after the accident which cost the lives of two young people in Orne

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A 19-year-old woman and a 22-year-old man died in a traffic accident in Neauphe-sous-Essai (Orne), on the night of Saturday June 15 to Sunday June 16, 2024. She lived in Boitron, he lived in La Chapelle -pres-Sées.

Patrick Lambert and Michel Tessier, respectively mayor and first deputy of Neauphe-sous-Essai (Orne), at the scene of the accident on the edge of departmental 438, where the two young people died this weekend. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

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  • Patrick Lambert and Michel Tessier, respectively mayor and first deputy of Neauphe-sous-Essai (Orne), at the scene of the accident on the edge of departmental 438, where the two young people died this weekend. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

Two young people died in a road accident, in Neauphe-sous-Essai (Orne), on the night of Saturday June 15 to Sunday June 16, 2024. Before 1 a.m., a Renault Clio left the dual carriageway D 438, in the direction Alençon-Sées, and finished its course in the doctors’ garden, at the place called Les Trois-Cornes. The exact circumstances of the accident are not yet known, a gendarmerie investigation is underway.

Six persons…



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