A young motorist seriously injured in a road accident in Clabecq

A young motorist seriously injured in a road accident in Clabecq
A young motorist seriously injured in a road accident in Clabecq

The emergency services and patrol officers from the West Walloon Brabant police zone were called to intervene, Sunday evening around 9:30 p.m., along the Provincial road, in Clabecq.

For an undetermined reason, the driver of an MGF type car lost control of his vehicle which was traveling on the Provincial road, towards Braine-le-Château.

The car left the road and came to a stop at the playground located along Avenue du Hain, after tearing down a security fence, hitting a TEC company post and uprooting several shrubs.

The 19-year-old young man, living in the entity of Tubize, was very seriously injured, suffering in particular from an open fracture of the pelvis.

The injured man was transported to hospital where, at the time of his admission to the emergency department, his vital prognosis appeared to be in jeopardy.

The Tubizien was operated on during the night.

“The victim’s life was still considered to be in danger this Monday morning, but doctors consider his state of health encouraging,” the Walloon Brabant prosecutor’s office said.

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