Death of Sulivan: “I was scared of my life”, residents shocked by urban violence at night in Cherbourg

Death of Sulivan: “I was scared of my life”, residents shocked by urban violence at night in Cherbourg
Death of Sulivan: “I was scared of my life”, residents shocked by urban violence at night in Cherbourg

Sadness, desolation, anger… The residents of the Provinces district in Cherbourg are waking up groggy this Sunday, June 16, 2024 in the morning. The previous night was marked by urban violence in reaction to the death of Sulivan Sauveythis 19-year-old man killed by gunfirea policewoman in Cherbourg a week earlier while trying to escape a speed check.

“I got the fright of my life”, testifies Christian, 70 years old, still in his bathrobe after spending part of the night outside. He left his apartment when he saw the vehicles parked in the parking lot in front of his house catching fire. “There was one that caught fire, then a second, a third, it had a snowball effect”, says this retiree. In total, one fifteen vehicles were set on fire in the neighborhood.

One of them was on Normandie Avenue. It was removed early this Sunday morning to allow traders to set up for the weekly market. A twenty city agents are on the bridge this day to sweep, pass water at high pressure in order to erase the marks of the night.

The incomprehension of the inhabitants

“They are angry: ok. But to break and have the damage that was done, no”estimates Ismaël, 18 years old. “There may be people who got up to go to work or who found their car burned.” This is the case with Alan. This mason’s truck is completely burned : “There were my tools, my papers, I have nothing left. I don’t know how I’m going to get reimbursed.”

This situation is also denounced by Romain, 18 years old. “I find it stupid because it’s the people who live here who will pay for the damage. And it gives a bad image to the neighborhoods.” A neighborhood that has never been the scene of such a scene assures Caroline. “I’ve been here for 17 years, this is the first time I’ve seen this. We’re in Cherbourg, a small town!” This resident of the Provinces district was scared when she saw the cars burning under her windows. She lives on the ground floor: “We feared an explosion, we’re not used to it here.”

Violence condemned by Sulivan’s family

The town hall calls for calm. “It is desolate to see this gratuitous, useless violence which brings nothing,” deplores Arnaud Catherine, deputy mayor on duty this weekend. “In addition, the rioters did not respect the wishes of young Sulivan’s family”, underlines the elected official. Indeed, on the Instagram account that the victim’s relatives created, a story was posted with this message: “Please stop doing anything. People need their equipment. We didn’t ask for this, we asked for calm and peace.”



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