Mercato PSG – The choice of stability for Xavi Simons?

Mercato PSG – The choice of stability for Xavi Simons?
Mercato PSG – The choice of stability for Xavi Simons?

Under contract with PSG until 2027, Xavi Simons has control over his future and could choose stability with a new year at RB Leipzig.

Became a player again PSG last summer with a contract until June 2027, the future of Xavi Simons is still so vague. If he will officially become a player again PSG on July 1, after the end of his loan to RB Leipzigit is not certain to see the Dutch international set foot on the lawns of the PSG Campus. Indeed, the 21-year-old player wishes to make his choice at the end of his Euro with the The Netherlands. But to date, a season with the Rouge & Bleu is not the trend. We would be moving towards a new loan of Xavi Simonsreports The Team in today’s edition.

A new update on its future in the summer of 2025?

However, the project of PSG based on youth and less focused on individualities could have offered fertile ground for Titi. Especially that Luis Enrique appreciates the profile and versatility of the player. But the management style of the Spanish technician (turnover and incessant job changes) would not fit with the current desires of Xavi Simons. If he does not rule out the idea of ​​one day returning to PSGDutch ” estimate that Paris and the L1 do not currently constitute the best context for continuing its progress. He finally wants to settle down in the position he likes, he also aspires to a leadership role and significant playing time”explain THE. His good season at RB Leipzig (10 goals and 15 assists in all competitions) earned him the following of many English clubs such as Arsenal, Manchester United And Manchester Citybut also the Bayern Munich. Contrary to recent rumors, the FC Barcelona would not be part of the contending clubs. “Some of these clubs have hinted that they could offer a nice transfer fee. »

However, an important element must be taken into account. In the event of a sale before summer 2025, a large part of the sum would go to the PSV Eindhovenas was agreed between the two clubs in the agreement signed last summer. “In other words, the interest of Paris is not selling it at the moment. » Another parameter is also important in this matter. At the time of signing PSG in August 2023, Xavi Simons inserted a clause stipulating that he can decide which club he wants to play for. And to have a little more stability, a new loan RB Leipzig is considered by the player. The 21-year-old attacking midfielder feels comfortable in Bundesliga and does not see himself joining a European big name where his playing time will be random. The German club is qualified for the next Champions League and even promised him several reinforcements. “The club of Saxony tried to buy it last summer (on PSV demanded €60 million) but he could still settle for a loan, with an option this time. With the prospect, in the summer of 2025, of a meeting between Parisian leaders and the player to decide whether he finally launches his professional career at PSG or if it is definitely sold with a nice check to boot”concludes the sports daily.



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