Tomer Sisley talks about his unhappy childhood with his mother and his “resurrection” when he went to live with his father (VIDEO)

Tomer Sisley talks about his unhappy childhood with his mother and his “resurrection” when he went to live with his father (VIDEO)
Tomer Sisley talks about his unhappy childhood with his mother and his “resurrection” when he went to live with his father (VIDEO)

Passing on the set of What an era! to promote the third opus of Largo Winch, Tomer Sisley spoke movingly about his unhappy childhood with a mother who was not “particularly maternal” and his “resurrection” when he finally went to live with his father.

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Like every Saturday evening or almost since September 2022, Léa Salamé was in charge of What an era! on France 2 this June 15, 2024. On the occasion of the last issue of the season, the journalist received several distinguished guests, starting with Tomer Sisley. The actor will soon be back as Largo Winch in a third opus, titled Largo Winch: The Price of Money. Scheduled for this summer, the action film features the billionaire as he is confronted with two tragic events: the kidnapping of his 15-year-old son and the suicide of his business partner. After discovering that these tragedies could be linked, Largo will do everything to find his boy, in the four corners of the world.

Tomer Sisley on his unhappy childhood: “I wasn’t lucky enough to have a particularly maternal mother”

Guest on the set of What an era!, Tomer Sisley indulged in some confidences about his childhood with his mother. A period of which he has bad memories. When Léa Salamé asked him about the reason why he wanted to become an actor, he replied that it was above all to “barr”. “I wanted to leave. I wanted another life. I wasn’t feeling well. I wasn’t lucky enough to have had a particularly maternal mother, and so my early childhood in Berlin was not the happiest., he continued with emotion. After living with his mother, Tomer Sisley, then aged nine, went to live with his father in the south of France. “I owe him so much, starting with my education. I imagine that the little courage I have comes from him. My father, he is 88 years old. He swims at sea every day, that’s it. whether in summer or in winter, he moves, he doesn’t give up. It’s a great example.”. After having touched on another question about his mother, the husband of Sandra de Matteis made a beautiful declaration of love to his children. “I have all the love. I didn’t think I could accumulate so much love”he concluded.

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Tomer Sisley: his rare confidences about his childhood alongside his father

If Tomer Sisley did not grow up with a loving mother, he was able to count on the affection of his father. While promoting the TV movie Like my sonthe actor returned to the way in which he had “save the life”. “I first stayed with a mother who was not made to be a mother”he revealed in the columns of Nice morning. The interpreter of Largo Winch then explained that his father had come to collect him in order to raise him alone in France. “Few fathers would have done this for their son […] I learned to speak French, then English […] I discovered all kinds of activities, diving, horse riding, paragliding, climbing, which shaped me. My father made me a jack-of-all-trades guy, a little at ease everywhere.”he continued.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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