Soprano Jodie Devos dies

Soprano Jodie Devos dies
Soprano Jodie Devos dies

Her agency Intermezzo announced the terrible news today: “Belgian soprano Jodie Devos died, surrounded by her family and loved ones, on June 16, 2024 in Paris at the age of 35 following heart cancer. breast which had forced her to cancel several recent commitments. »

Winner in 2014 of the Second Prize and the Audience Prize of the prestigious Queen Elisabeth Competition of Belgium, Young Vocal Artist ICMA 2015, Jodie Devos has performed on many major international stages, in France as well as at the Paris Opera and at the Opéra Comique or at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées and with renowned conductors and directors, often also invited by numerous orchestras and ensembles.

She enchanted in Mozart as in Rossini and seduced thanks to a devastating stage presence, a diamond-like purity of emission, a round and powerful voice, always adorned with bewitching high notes and the magnificent finery of coloratura emitted with disconcerting ease (Daughter of the Regiment, Liege, 2021). She showed great talents as an actress and a demeanor as elegant as it was scoundrel (Cute, Liège, 2022). In 2022, in We’re purging Baby! by Philippe Boesmans at La Monnaie, we found her at the peak of her vocal abilities, with her homogeneous and fruity timbre, her ease of vocalizing and the speed of her changes of register, seeming to play with writing that was both virtuoso and perilous of his incarnation. In Lucia di Lammermoor in Tours in 2023, she displayed a magnificently timbred voice from start to finish, a consistent medium, a radiant development in the top of the voice, unfailing agility in the coloraturas and a finesse of performance in her incarnation.

On record, Jodie Devos recorded for Alpha Classics (Colorature, her first album in 2019, Zoroaster in 2022) and the Bru Zane label (melodies by Massenet in 2022, The Silver Stamp in 2020). (NF)

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