PSG on the verge of failing a very big scorer? – Go Paris

PSG on the verge of failing a very big scorer? – Go Paris
PSG on the verge of failing a very big scorer? – Go Paris

Announced as PSG’s objective for this summer, Victor Osimhen should not join Paris. The Rouge et Bleu have not taken any steps in this direction.

Victor Osimhen no longer in Luis Campos’s little papers?

Since his explosion with LOSC in 2020-2021, Victor Osimhen is a player very often associated with PSG. Already last summer, the Nigerian was expected to be at the forefront of the Parisian attack. However, Luis Campos ultimately made other choices, preferring to bet on Randal Kolo Muani and Gonçalo Ramos. And a few weeks ago, this name reappeared in the red and blue news as the transfer window approached.

The Italian press even claimed that the 25-year-old center forward was one step away from joining Paris. However, since then, no confirmation has come. Worse, on the French side, it is rather explained that the capital club does not really intend to move with Napoli in this matter. What is also confirmed by the Gazzetta dello Sport in its columns today.

PSG passes, Arsenal and Saudi Arabia interested

Indeed, at the time of writing these lines, PSG would not have taken any action for Victor Osimhen. Which represents a problem for Napoli, wanting to cash a big check for their scorer. He also wants to offer himself a new challenge. A challenge which should therefore not be located in the City of Lights.

GDS also specifies that Saudi Arabia is ready to seize this opportunity. However, the former Lille player would rather have the idea of ​​continuing in Europe where Arsenal would follow him in particular. It remains to be seen whether the Gunners will also be ready to pay the 130 million euros demanded by De Laurentiis.



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