Two high school students invent the “connected candlestick” and win gold in the Lépine competition

Two high school students invent the “connected candlestick” and win gold in the Lépine competition
Two high school students invent the “connected candlestick” and win gold in the Lépine competition

Inventions are not all the prerogative of eminent scientists, or students from great schools! The proof with these two high school students, from Landes, who are still overcome with emotion. In a few days, they will face the tests for the “Digital Systems” baccalaureate that they have chosen. And it’s their invention, a connected candlestick, which they will have to present during one of their tests. Nevertheless, the examiners will have, in front of them, two gold medalists at the 2024 Lépine Competition. Indeed, Timéo Doom and Yanis Cantau are winners in the Connected Universe category. Enough to get, perhaps, a great mark in the baccalaureate! But, what is this invention? I present it to you immediately.

An invention born from an encounter

Their high school curriculum requires students to create an object illustrating their specialty, digital systems. For their give a taste for inventionsone day, the high school brings Benoit Mirambeau, designer of the Patrimoine Tour application and also awarded in 2016 at the Lépine Competition. “ He came to our high school for a presentation. He then asked students to work with him on a connected chandelier. The candle should light up and go out on its own. And, we were chosen! We worked on it during our stage and our free time,” explains the young Timéo in an interview given to the newspaper Ouest-France. From this meeting, their invention was born, a connected candlestick, then the Lépine competition, and the gold medal!

The two young high school students and their sponsor win a gold medal at the Lépine 2024 competition. Photo credit: Concours Lépine

Light a fuse remotely

The challenge was therefore to create a digital system that would allow any candle to be extinguished and lit remotely, via an application. We are, of course, talking about a real candle, with a wick and a flame! And, lighting a fuse remotely was not an easy task, if we are to believe the words of the two young inventors! “ The candle must be at least 8 cm high and between 2-3 cm wide.explain Timéo who is considering a career as an engineer in web and application development. Yannis, he wishes to join the National Navy, and he explains that their invention had to be able to adapt to all forms of commercial candles. Obviously, their invention works, and the guardian inventor, Benoît Mirambeau, even registered the two high schools by filing a patent!

What future for the connected chandelier?

If you have walked the aisles of the Paris Fair, you may have carefully followed the explanations of the two high school students, proud of their invention. The jury was surprised by the originality of the invention, but also by the very young age of the inventors. Nevertheless, the marketing of the connected candlestick is not yet on the agenda. This invention could be very useful in the event of a power outage, thus avoiding having to go looking for candles, then the lighter, hidden at the bottom of the drawers… In the meantime, the two high school students must concentrate on their baccalaureate, and I wish to obtain it with honors, of course. The two high school students still slip that they are working for professionals, but for the moment, it is “defense secret”! What do you think of this invention? We would love to read your thoughts or hear about your experience with this. And, if you notice an error in this article, do not hesitate to let us know. You can click here to post a comment.

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