“When hatred dresses up as virtue”

“When hatred dresses up as virtue”
“When hatred dresses up as virtue”

CHRONICLE – At the time of choice, the urgency will be, “whatever it costs”, to block the far left to avoid the worst.

Hell is paved with good intentions and, to make a good impression, the master of the house often advances masked under the guise of virtue. This is how, in the name of morality, “to block the RN”, some do not hesitate to associate themselves with the most hateful political movements in France, the NPA and LFI, even if it means swallowing a program in the process. economy of stratospheric absurdity decorated with a knot of anti-Semitic snakes. Enjoy your food ! As we have seen in American universities and at Science Po, it is of course in the name of virtue and the defense of the new “wretched of the earth” that hatred of Israel has been justified.

I mentioned in a previous column the comical hallucinations of Gemini, Google’s generative AI which, programmed by woke computer scientists, felt obliged to place black soldiers in the Nazi army, to paint for us the portrait of pope as a woman or to represent the Founding Fathers of the United States in traditional costumes…

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