Japan Explore: a podcast to listen to online

Japan Explore: a podcast to listen to online
Japan Explore: a podcast to listen to online

Mangas, anime, video games, sport and even gastronomy… For more than four decades now, Japanese culture has successfully radiated across the planet, and more specifically in France. On the occasion of Japan Expo, 10 new podcasts presented by Frédérick Sigrist on Japan.

The visit to Japan begins with a phenomenon: for 70 years, Godzilla has been blowing nuclear hot and cold across Japanese cinema screens. It continues with a focus on kaijus, these strange beasts from Japan, the best known of which is Godzilla. Then, a little turn towards the strange with “Ring” by Hideo Nakata, a film about a cursed videocassette which would cause the death seven days later of those who watched it. We push the imagination even further with yokaïs, these Japanese ghosts, onis and other kamis that we find in films, video games or manga.

J-pop, manga and cosplay

Then, we focus on discovering J-pop, Japanese pop, inspired by K-pop, and sumo, the sporting discipline, whose athletes are true living gods. A little side step with the discovery of the city of Osaka, before delving into the Weekly Shonen Jump, the Japanese magazine which had a decisive role in the publication of cult manga such as One Piece, Naruto And Dragon Ball.

No discovery of Japan without a look at the phenomenon of cosplay, this hobby which consists of playing the role of a fictional character by imitating their costume, hair and makeup. Finally, Frederick Sigrist offers a gourmet stopover with a focus on Japanese gastronomy which has been widely exported.



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