This mechanic has an accident with a customer’s car: 21,000 euros in damage

This mechanic has an accident with a customer’s car: 21,000 euros in damage
This mechanic has an accident with a customer’s car: 21,000 euros in damage

When you entrust your car to your mechanicyou surely trust him and hope that he can repair it quickly enough so that you return it in good condition. This poor Andalusian customeroriginally from Carmona (Spain), had the unpleasant surprise of find your destroyed vehicle after his mechanic used it, without his permission, and had an accident with it. THE damage amounts to 21,000 euros And the insurance doesn’t want to know anything

A “well arranged” car

Initially, the mechanic attempted to lie in order to exonerate yourself from the accident. He told investigators that he had steal the car from the customer during the night while she was in her garage. But the police were incredulous about the worker’s allegations and arrested him on the spot. This individual had used the car without the consent of its owner.

The police officers quickly understood that the mechanic had lied because the vehicle did not have no signs of break-in when he was found on a road several kilometers from his establishment by another patrol. It was necessary to contact the owner of the vehicle, who indicated that it was currently being repaired. Visual inspection of the vehicle showed that it had been opened with the keys, without the lock having been forced.

Astronomical damage

According to the Spanish police,…Read more on Autoplus



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