“What we all have in common is that the RN doesn’t like us”: hundreds of participants in the Pride March in Compiègne

“Everyone is welcome at the Compiègne Pride March! We are apolitical, but the fact is that everywhere in Europe where the far right has been, LGBT people have seen their rights regress, notes Claire Lequièvre, president of the organizing association, Clin d’œil Oise. The results in the European elections, the future legislative elections, all of that does not bode well. »

So when the procession set off from Avenue de la Résistance to reach the city center, it was a whole range of demonstrators, each more different than the other, who marched. There were 650 according to the police and 1,000 according to the organizers. Among them, Marine was there. His partner was unable to come, but she made the trip with their 2-year-old son in the stroller. “It’s his second pride!” If I’m here, it’s to show that my family exists. I convey values ​​of tolerance and love and I do not want our rights to be called into question in the future. »

Didier, a former worker at Continental, with an assumed punk look, sums up his presence thus: “I am anti-fascist. What we all have in common here is that the RN doesn’t like us. And we don’t like it either! » While young people covered in rainbow flags danced to the sound of catchy music, they were joined by the New Popular Front, the CGT, FO Solidaires, FSU unions…

Compiègne, this Saturday. The third Compiègne pride march had a particular resonance. Hundreds of demonstrators stood up to defend their LGBTQI+ rights and to block the National Rally.

“Here, there is no electoral goal, we just hope for a surge of abstentionists for the legislative elections. There is a major challenge: uprooting the RN which has established itself in the Oise and throughout France. », explains Éric, member of the FSU and kindergarten teacher.

” I’m really scared “

Arriving a few steps from the town hall, the demonstrators are directed into a small pedestrian street and go around the building. “We understood that we could not pass under the mayor’s windows,” explains Georges Durouchet, general secretary of the UL CGT. Other demonstrations are planned for the 20th and 27th and I can tell you that we will still get through. » When “Marini, you’re screwed, the PD are in the street!” »

Compiègne, this Saturday. Some demonstrators did not hesitate to caricature the LR mayor of Compiègne who said he was in favor of an alliance between his party and the RN to block the Macronists.

Philippe Marini, LR mayor of Compiègne, was the only one in his party to support the alliance desired by Éric Ciotti between LR and the RN. “And that doesn’t work! We do not compromise with the values ​​of the Republic. That we want to block Macron, I agree, but this is absurd! », castigates Ganaël.

In his corner, Noah summarized everything on his cardboard: “We are ashamed of who we are while people vote RN…” At 18, he is “a transgender boy and suffers because his identity is not recognized. “In addition, I study the art of live performance and given the place of Culture in the RN program, I am really afraid. We are just human beings and we would like the same rights as everyone else. I have approached doctors for my transition since I was 15, but there have only been barriers. I am terrified by the rise of the RN, by the young people who voted for this party because they saw videos on social networks. You can’t be homophobic and find that normal! I’m trying to convince everyone who didn’t vote in the European elections to vote in the Legislative elections. This is crucial. »



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