Justice day always appreciated

Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier. Justice Day is always appreciated by the students. Hélène Dessauny, history and geography teacher, and Patrice Letailleur, principal education advisor, are at the origin of this day like no other for 4th grade students. e . On June 6, the entire day of these college students was devoted to legal and prevention information sessions broadcast by specialists. The middle school students, who had prepared numerous questions in advance, were entitled to answers from professionals.

With Warrant Officer Jimmy Asquin and GAV Mahamoud El Enzyzou, gendarmes in Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier, the emphasis was placed on harassment in schools, the hiring of minors, and young people at work. Captain Stéphane Vayssié and Victor Bourjal, DSP (Director of Prison Services) of Yzeure (Allier), led an information session on his profession.

Moral and civic education

Nicole Martin, Léaticia Cappe and Lucie Jeannaux, all employed at the Judicial Protection of Youth (PJJ), as well as Clotilde Guilloton, psychologist (dependent on the Ministry of Justice), spoke about their professions with passion. Finally, it’s the lawyer M e Thibault de Saulce Latour who spoke to talk about the last specialty represented for this day, justice and the defense of citizens.

The students showed themselves, as always, interested in all the information disseminated during this day, part of moral and civic education. For several years, this day dedicated to justice has been organized and appreciated by all, speakers and students. This is a great encouragement for the organizers.



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